Sensory story telling baby and toddler adventures
What Adventure Babies says
We bring brilliant books to life through gentle sensory stimulation to support all round development and help your baby or toddler to fall in love with books & reading.
Every activity in our classes is planned by Early Years experts and linked to the Early Years Framework for your baby’s stage of development. Adventure Babies baby classes support your baby in the best way possible for their all round development.
Our classes are also a great chance to make mum or dad friends with babies of a similar age and you never know, you or your baby might end up making lifelong friends!
Reading to babies from even before they are born has huge benefits. In a world of screen time we want to support you to help your baby or toddler fall in love with books and reading and become a lifelong reader able to unlock all future learning opportunities and enjoy reading for pleasure.
We offer a supportive and friendly community where all new parents and babies are included and supported through our interactive storytelling and sensory baby classes.
Our Sensory Storytelling Baby Classes or Toddler Classes ensure that your child enjoys sensory activities which support their speech and language development, sensory development, physical development, social and emotional development.
All activities are planned in line with the Early Years Curriculum by Early Years experts.