Specialist breastfeeding education and support in Sutton
What Andrea Hamilton IBCLC says
I provide breastfeeding and lactation support to families in and around the London Borough of Sutton, South London, UK.
I am a BIG fan of empowering parents to start their breastfeeding journeys with confidence. I offer lots of free/low cost opportunities to meet with me in pregnancy so families can ask their breastfeeding questions and get prepared.
If you need, I can also come see you at home after baby arrives, if you are having breastfeeding challenges and the support of your midwife, health visitor, infant feeding team or GP hasn't been enough. Get in touch and let me know how I can help.
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Breastfeeding Counsellor.
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Saturdays 09:30–11:00
All parents welcome
Fixed course dates