top tips to save money - on energy

15 easy energy saving tips for families

We know you’re worried right now about the rising cost of energy and the cost of living crisis. And so we’ve put together some easy energy saving tips for families to help.

We can’t wave a magic wand but we can help, even just a little, by sharing some quick and easy energy things you can do to save energy and save money too.

Keeping your home warm and cosy

energy saving tips. -family warming feet against the radiator

With sky high energy bills you might be worried about turning the heating on this year. Here are a few small things you can do that add up to considerable savings over time.

  • 1. Turn the thermostat down. Even by one degree. Money saving guru, Martin Lewis, says: “For each degree you cut the thermostat, expect to cut bills by 4%-ish, or about £100 a year on average for a typical home”. So that’s a quick win.
  • 2. Bleed your radiators. It makes them work more efficiently and makes sure you’re not using up energy heating up any cold spots in them created by air bubbles.
  • 3. Cover windows with cling film. Especially if you don’t have double glazing. This one sounds a bit bizarre and you might just want to stick to wrapping sandwiches with cling film instead. But The Energy Saving Trust does say it works to trap in heat and save energy.
  • 4. Cover up any draughts. Go old school with a draught excluder to stop cold air coming through the cracks under doors. You can even make your own – here’s how.
  • 5. Draw the curtains. Once the sun sets draw curtains to keep in heat. They act as another layer of insulation, trapping the warm air inside and the cold air out. 

Cook up a storm without burning the budget

Save energy on cooking -slow cooker with casserole, air fryer with chicken

You can still cook up nutritious meals and fill hungry tummies on a budget. Again some little changes you make can save a fair amount of energy and money in the long run. Here are some of the best energy saving tips for families when it comes to cooking the daily meals.

  • 6. Use your microwave more than your oven. Electric cookers cost (on average) 87p per day. A microwave costs only 8p. A slow cooker costs an average of 16p to run a day too. As does an air fryer. So choosing different ways to cook your family meal can make some pretty big energy savings.
  • 7. Cover those pots and pans. By placing a lid on your pans, the water boils faster and uses less energy. A quick win to make a small change.
  • 8. Cut energy with your cuppas. Instead of boiling the kettle each time you make a cuppa, fill a big flask in the morning with hot water and use it throughout the day.
  • 9. Cook up a storm with batch cooking. It saves on energy but it also saves loads of time for you as a busy parent too. Cook twice what you need and then you’ve not only saved on energy but you have a quick ‘ready’ meal in the freezer to whip out on one of those days when you’re too tired too cook.
  • 10. Gather together for meals. Have neighbours/friends/family around for Sunday lunch, then go to theirs the next Sunday (or indeed any day!). Make it a regular meal and house swap. By sharing meals you only need to use one oven and heat one house at a time. And the extra company on a regular basis is lovely too.
See also  3 cheap and easy dinner recipes for busy grown-ups

Don’t get in a spin over the cost of doing the laundry

a pile of laundry in a basket

As a parent with a baby or toddler chances are your washing machine is putting in some heavy duty right now. Stained bibs and vests, muddy clothes after a day in the park -it all piles up.

So how can you cut corners and save money when your washing machine feels like it’s forever in action?

  • 11. Wash clothes on a lower setting. By washing your clothes at 30 degrees, you could use 40% less energy. Your clothes will still wash as well too.
  • 12. Think about when you wash. The most expensive time for you to wash or dry your clothes is between 4pm and 7pm. So avoid those times if you can
  • 13. Pick the eco wash. It can save you up to £10 a year.
  • 14. Step away from the tumble dryer! The Energy Saving Trust reckons you could save £117 a year if you never use it. There are times when you have to but if you can use it as little as possible it will definitely help.
  • 15. Invest in a heated clothes airer. This one might be a game changer. Yes you have to fork out a bit to buy one but doing so could save you an awful lot. A heated airer costs from 4-15p per hour to run, compared to your washing machine, which costs about 30p an hour.

Bonus energy saving tip – Steal someone else’s heat

The more time you can spend out and about in heated public spaces, the less you will spend on using energy at home. It’s a win-win as you’re always looking for things to do with the kids. Here are some ideas:

  • Book a baby or toddler class and escape your four walls and meet other parents. Head to Happity to find one near you.
  • Find free and cheap classes and groups on Happity too
  • Visit your local library. You can spend a happy few hours reading and choosing books to bring home. Libraries often have story telling sessions and craft sessions too.
  • Head to your local garden centre. There’s always loads to explore and often a fab cafe for refuelling!
  • Visit your nearest pet store. It’s like a free zoo for toddlers as they marvel at the cute pets for sale.
  • Check out museums nearby. As well as having plenty to look at (and often interactive displays with buttons to press and switches to switch!) they often have activities for kids too.
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Keep track with an app

Here at Happity we’re finding that one of the easiest ways to save energy is to use an app. Apps, such as Loop, track how much energy you are using. And help you cut your energy use by a whopping 10%. Not only that but you get free energy saving insights and tips to help you save even more too. They’re an easy way to keep track of how much energy you are using and be more mindful of easy ways to make more savings.

We know that this winter is going to be a bit of a struggle. These energy saving tips for families will help a little to shave money from your bills.

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