What Happens At A Baby Class?

Thinking of heading to your first baby class but not sure what happens? Feeling baffled by the sheer number of options to choose from? Or have you chosen something / been invited by a friend, but have no idea what to expect?

We get it  – sometimes just leaving the house with a baby can feel overwhelming, let alone turning up at a new place. These answers to some of the most frequently asked questions should help you feel at ease as you take that first step into the world of baby classes.

What Happens At A Baby Class?

With so many wonderful classes now available to choose from, what happens at your baby class very much depends on what you have gone along to!

Broadly speaking, structured classes (like baby sensory, massage, yoga or signing) will involve the class provider leading the class with songs, movement and props.

Typically the adults and babies will sit (or lie!) in a circle, with the person leading in the middle or sitting as part of the circle, so everyone is facing each other. 

Often the class will follow roughly the same structure every week, so you’ll get used to the songs and activities. Babies thrive on repetition! 

More unstructured sessions (like stay-and-plays, messy play and playgroups) are ones where children choose their activities, perhaps with a more structured portion at the end for tidying up and songs. These give you more of an opportunity to chat with other parents, or just relax with a cup of tea and a biscuit while your baby explores! Also look out for Rhyme Times in your local libraries, which are a lovely place to kick-start your little one’s love of reading, too.

Lots of parents attend a mix of structured and unstructured classes throughout the week.

‘I want to meet other mums and other babies. People at the same stage of life, going through the same thing. If I’m at home alone by myself, I don’t get that.’ (Sonia, Happity parent)

How Do I Choose A Class?

It can be hard to pick when you’ve never been to any classes. Especially when there is so much to choose from! Running a quick search on Happity will give you a pretty comprehensive list of everything on near you, and is a good place to start.

For a little more guidance, check out this article about lovely things to try for every stage and age. 

Pro tip: Got a venue you particularly like or which is easy to get to for you? Click on the venue name on Happity to see all classes which run there. 

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What If My Baby Cries?

Rest assured, classes are some of the most supportive, safe spaces you can be in. They are a great place to build your confidence if you’re just getting back to leaving the house more often again.

If your baby cries, you are free to soothe them in whatever way you would normally. Whether that’s feeding, getting up and bouncing, rocking in the pram. You might choose to stay ‘in the circle’, or get up and move away: both are totally fine. Class providers are totally used to babies crying in their classes – and so are other parents, too!

It can be better than being in a cafe or other public space, as you know everyone in a baby class is there for the same reason – to support each other and their babies.

‘I’d arrive at Baby Rhyme Time at the local Children’s Centre feeling flustered after pushing the pram up the hill. I’d always be welcomed in and encouraged to sit down. One member of staff would often help me comfort my baby while I had a much-needed break and cup of tea!’ (Liz, Team Happity)

What If My Baby Falls Asleep?

They very likely will. Especially if you are in the newborn phase! 

What happens at most baby classes is that at least one or two babies will be caught sleeping. It’s very common. Remember: the benefits of getting out, socialising in a group and creating routines are for both of you.

Wellness and post-natal fitness, yoga and pilates classes are great to try when your baby is still sleeping for large parts of the day. You’ll typically find babies will lie or sleep on a mat on the floor while parents exercise in the space next to them. It’s a great way of starting to feel more like you while your baby is getting their much-needed sleep. Buggy Fitness is another fun (and outdoor) option for if your baby is sleeping loads. You can get fit while they snooze!

Alternatively, Bring your baby classes have a great variety of flexible and fun activities. Everything from guided walks in London to baby-friendly cinema screenings. 

Do I Need To Book In Advance?

Once you’ve made up your mind to go, it’s a good idea to book. This lets the class provider know you’re coming, and ensures there is space for you when you get there. Most classes can be booked right up until they start – it doesn’t have to be weeks in advance. 

If the class allows drop-ins, it will say on their Happity page.

Will Everyone Else Already Know Each Other?

No, not at all! While many friendships are made at classes, and sometimes people go together, most parents go along to classes by themselves (with their baby/toddler, obviously).

If people are chatting in the class when you go along, it’s probably because they met each other there last week for the first time!

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Classes where you book in for a course or a whole term give good opportunities to make friends. You’ll see the same group week-to-week. Also, class providers will often create a WhatsApp group or some way for you to chat to each other outside of class.

‘The most popular class here is at a lady’s house. She offers coffee and tea afterwards, and you can chat. It’s a really nice atmosphere.’ (Anastasia, Happity parent)

Is My Baby Ready To Start Classes?

Your baby is never too young to start spending dedicated, quality time with you. Whenever you’re ready to start getting out and about, they are too. 

If you feel they enjoy ‘people-watching’ or movement, light and colours, there’s likely to be a class out there you’ll both enjoy, such as baby sensory. There’s really no specific age to start. Some people start as early as 6-8 weeks, often waiting until after the first set of vaccinations. 

That said, there’s no need to pressure yourself to start attending classes until you are ready. It can take time to feel comfortable and confident leaving the house, and time spent cuddling on the sofa, or playing peek-a-boo on the playmat, is just as valuable for your baby.

‘Around 4 months I started to notice Clara had more engagement with sensory toys. And friends also said their babies were getting more out of classes at that age, too. So that’s when I started looking.’ (Anastasia, Happity Parent)

Have a read of our article about lovely things to try for every stage.

Is It Too Late To Start Classes With My Toddler?

Definitely not! Taking older babies and toddlers to classes can be even more rewarding, as they start to sing along, join in with actions, and anticipate their favourite parts of the class – especially if you go to the same thing every week. 

There are so many social and developmental benefits to taking your toddler along to classes, including getting used to other children and adults, turn taking, empathy and following simple instructions. 

Please note the names of Happity parents have been changed to protect their privacy.

Want To Get Out And About, Have Fun With Your Baby Or Toddler, And Meet Other Parents?

Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5’s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

Find a class today!

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Liz Melnyczuk

Liz Melnyczuk

Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.