What can you expect at your first sensory class? We’re joined by Tracey O’Connor-Corrie of Sunshine Sensory to learn what to expect when we go to a sensory class for the very first time.
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What Is A Sensory Class?
Sensory sessions provide your little one with the stimulation to develop all their senses through play and natural interactions. Generally, these classes run from birth to thirteen months. However, with a greater understanding of the importance of sensory opportunities as children grow into toddlers, there are many classes now for older children.
What Does A Typical Session Look Like?
Every class you attend will be slightly different, and it is about finding the right fit for you.
At a sensory class, you will typically be greeted by the class teacher and explained what will happen in the session. Generally, you will sing a hello song welcoming all the babies to class. Next will be the activities and songs where your baby will have chance to explore lots of resources. Then it will be time for the goodbye song and before you realise it, you’ll be packing up and planning your next visit.
What Makes A Sunshine Sensory Class Unique?

At Sunshine Sensory we read through a story and explore natural and heuristic resources to represent the different parts of the story alongside lots of fun different types of music.
Sunshine Sensory classes are about having fun in a relaxed environment. The resources are open-ended so every child’s personal development target can be met each session. The class sizes are small to enable parents to chat as a group and develop comradery with each other. At the end of the day we are all parents and know the battles that we can all face. It’s about sticking together, supporting each other however we can and trying to provide reassurance and support. A Sunshine Sensory class isn’t just about joining a class. It’s about joining the whole community.
What Are The Benefits of Sensory Classes?
1. Helping Your Baby Develop
Sensory classes are so important for the development of your baby. They provide a huge range of stimulus to support your baby’s development from an early age. Everyone feels ready to start at different ages. I did classes with my daughter since she was five days old.
2. Meeting Other Parents
My five-day-old daughter mainly slept to begin with but I got to meet other parents which in those early days can be a lifesaver. Just being able to talk about how your baby is feeding, sleeping or just acting in general is nice to be able to share with someone else who is going through it too.
3. Spending Dedicated Time With Your Baby

Sensory classes are also lovely to spend some quality time with your baby. So often it’s easy to get caught up in running the house and possibly working as well. So trying to set that time aside at home is sometimes hard. By coming to a class you commit to spending the next 30-45 minutes with just your child. You can’t write that article for work, do the washing up or take the dogs for a walk. You can enjoy this time with your baby guilt-free.
Here Are Some Of My Favourite Stories From Running Sensory Classes:
1. The Shoe-Stealer
My classes go up to five years and in one particular class I had a parent at the end of the session say she couldn’t find her shoes. We looked everywhere until we realised that one of the other children in class had put the shoes onto the bottom of someone else’s pushchair, and they had walked home with them.
Luckily, we were able to find her some spare shoes and another customer saw the parent with the pushchair on her way home and told her what had happened. She came straight back but was rather embarrassed. We did all laugh about it the following week though and the parent ALWAYS checks her pushchair now.
2. The Persevering Parent
The parent who persevered!
I have been running my sessions for over five years now and I have never met a parent with so much determination as one of my most recent. She began class when her daughter was three weeks old. Baby cried basically the whole time. But mam remained so calm (she was also a first time mum) and just chatted to everyone and comforted baby at the same time. This continued for the whole six week term.
Mam signed back up the following term and gradually baby began to settle. Now she is the most smiley and happy baby. She definitely has her own opinions and I can’t wait for her personality to really come out because she is going to be a sassy one! The moral is that even if it’s hard work, stay calm and persevere. It sometimes takes time for your baby to learn they are safe in a new environment with new people. It’s worth persevering because once they settle, they will come to love the sessions, develop so much and gain so much confidence from the classes.
What If I Don’t Get On At A Sensory Class?
Please don’t be put off if you don’t like the first class you visit. Just go and try another one. Also remember what appeals to your friends doesn’t mean you will or won’t like it. Try it out for yourself first and form your own opinion.
Sometimes people don’t like the songs or the setup in general. I once went to a class and didn’t really find the woman very welcoming so I didn’t go back. I did try another class where the woman was so friendly, and we ended up staying there for four years.
Thanks To Tracey – Sunshine Sensory
Sunshine Sensory is Tracey’s own company that she set up after leaving her job as an Early Years Teacher due to the demands of being a Special Needs parent. Her sensory classes aim to engage children’s creativity, curiosity and imagination from birth to five years.
She has recently launched a digital version of Sunshine Sensory for parents to be able to access their own sensory story sessions in the comfort of their own home, or for when they are simply struggling to get out.
My Sensory Classes: Sunshine Sensory
Tracy is the founder of the company Sunshine Sensory and has spent over 20 years working with EYFS and SEN children / adults. The company focuses on providing fully inclusive sensory development opportunities for all children. She provides classes, 1:1 support and online services.
Parent of two children Tracy likes to spend her spare time walking, reading and spending time with her family.
Find Sunshine Sensory on Happity today, or check our sensory category to discover more

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