Looking for some cute and creative crafts for your toddlers this Christmas? It’s time to get the glitter out!
We’ve put together some easy Christmas crafts for toddlers. Many you can create with things you’ve got lying about the house (or in the recycling).
Let your little ones have fun as they create these festive masterpieces.
1. Super soft snow dough

This is the softest loveliest snow dough. You only need TWO ingredients to make it. And it smells divine too! Just mix cornflour and hair conditioner together in a bowl. Knead together until you have a soft ball of snow dough.
Your toddler can just enjoy squishing and rolling it in their hands. Or they could make little snowmen, like the one we made above.
2. Cork and cotton bud printed snow pictures

Toddlers will love printing these cheery snowmen! Dip a cork into white paint and print three circles to make each snowman. Once your snowmen are dry, add details with felt pens. After that comes the really fun bit! To make it snow – dip a cotton bud into white paint and let your toddler print loads and loads of snowflakes in the sky.
3. Christmas Crafts for toddlers – little card Christmas trees

Such a quick and easy Christmas make for little ones. Simply cut triangles from green card and your toddler can decorate them with stickers, little buttons, sequins, mini pom-poms or even balls of scrunched up tissue paper. Pop a peg on the bottom to make their little Christmas trees stand up. Your toddler will have so much fun decorating their festive trees that they might make a whole forest!
4. Twig and pom pom trees

This is a lovely activity for little ones. First head on a walk to find some twigs. Then, once you’re home cut the twigs into different sizes to make branches. Ask your child to choose the longest branch to place in the middle to make the trunk. Then arrange the smaller branches, sticking out from the trunk. Your toddler can now decorate their tree by adding little pom poms, beads or buttons along the branches. Don’t forget to add a star at the top (we used a shiny star sticker!). You can either keep all the pieces in a bag or box and use them again and again as a nice activity – letting your child build and decorate their tree on a tabletop. Or, you could use PVA glue or a glue gun to stick down the branches and baubles to make beautiful pictures or Christmas cards.
5 . Glittery pine cones – an easy Christmas craft for toddlers

This is the perfect activity for toddlers as they will have so much fun in the making as well as being delighted by the sparkly end product. Roll pine cones into the paint. While doing so your toddler can have great fun rolling them around a piece of card or paper to make snowy prints. For a bit of extra sparkle sprinkle some glitter on top of the paint, while it is still wet. You can use a glue gun to stick a loop of string or ribbon to the ends of your glittery pine cones so that your toddler can hang them proudly on the Christmas tree.
6. Toilet paper roll creations

Save those humble toilet paper rolls for some amazing Christmas crafts for toddlers. There are so many ways you can use paint, pom poms, sequins and card cutouts to make some fabulous festive creations.
Paint your toilet roll tube white, cut out a carrot-shaped nose and glue it on, draw on details with a black Sharpie
Paint your toilet roll tube brown. Stick on googly eyes and a red pom-pom nose. Draw a mouth with a black Sharpie. After you’ve done that, glue on antlers made from twigs or pipe cleaners.
Paint your tube red all over, except for a small circle for the face, which you can paint white. Use a cotton pad to make the beard and moustache and use Sharpies to add on the details. For the hat, cut a circle of red card. Make a cut from one edge to the centre and then roll your circle into a cone shape. Add some cotton wool to make the hat’s trim and pop a little pom-pom on top to finish off.
7. Christmas crafts for toddlers – Eggbox festive friends!

Don’t throw out that eggbox just yet! You may just have some use for them yet with this cute little Christmas craft for toddlers. Though they may need your hand with the scissors, this one is a great way to make a new friend for your children.
You will need an eggbox, paint, brushes, newspaper, glue, coloured card googly eyes, and cotton wool. If you have extras like shiny gold card, glitter, buttons or colourful pompoms then they make for excellent additions, but they’re really not necessary.
For each character, you will need 3 holders of the egg box, so make sure you have enough (It doesn’t matter if there are gaps down the sides)
For your elf, paint two of the eggbox holders a light green, and one a light pink/orange. You will also need to cut from your scraps two smaller pieces for the ears. Leave to dry, and then very carefully (on the pink/orange one) cut a hole on either side for the elf ears (you may need to do this part for your children!) and stick them in. Then, begin stacking and glueing the holders together. (I put small scraps of newspaper between each to keep them separated a little!)
Now you can start adding your features! Paint or glue on your buttons, stick on your googly eyes, your googly eyes and a bright little hat for your happy little elf.
For Santa, paint two of the eggbox holders red, and one a light pink/orange. While you’re waiting for this to dry, maybe you’ll want to start cutting out hats and any other features you want to add for your eggcup friend! Then, begin stacking and glueing the holders together. (Again, putting small scraps of newspaper between each one helped to keep them separated a little!)
Now you can start adding your features! Paint or glue on your buttons, stick on your googly eyes, your googly eyes and a big fluffy beard for father Christmas
Christmas Tree
For a Christmas tree, paint all three of your eggbox holders green. While you’re waiting for them to dry, start cutting out the decorations you want to stick on (including your tree topper!) Then, begin stacking and glueing the holders together. (Again, putting small scraps of newspaper between each one helped to keep them separated a little!)
Now you can start adding your decorations! Paint or glue on your decorations, tinsel and whatever your heart desires!
8. Paper chain to display your Christmas crafts for toddlers

Have you got endless amounts of Christmas paintings, drawings, and crafts being made by your toddlers? Not sure what to do with these Christmas crafts for toddlers? Well, maybe the answer is as simple as getting them to make another one and turn it into something you can put on your wall this Christmas!
Simply help them by cutting out strips of two different colours of card, and passing them the glue to make some paper chains. Once you’ve made one long enough to hang along your mantlepiece or across a bannister, grab the blu-tac (or glue) cut out their shapes (if they’re okay with it!) and start adding them to your chain. Or, if you really want to keep your toddler busy, make multiple chains for multiple crafts.
Not sure what colours to use? Try picking ones that correspond with the pictures made. E.g. red and green for a Christmas tree, blue and white for a paper snowflake/snowman, brown and red for a reindeer. Or, alternatively, you can’t really go wrong with a bit of red and gold around Christmas!