13 Fun And Simple Outdoor Activities For Toddlers

There’s nothing better for a toddler than a sunny day filled with fun (and easy to set up) outdoor activities.

It can feel near impossible to burn off the endless energy of a bouncing child, but it’s entirely possible and you don’t need to spend lots to do it. In fact, you can find an endless supply of entertainment in your kitchen cupboards, out in the park, and in your kids toybox.

Here’s our list of fun outdoor activities you can do without breaking the bank.

Water art

One that always seems to keep little ones occupied for a surprising amount of time. And all it takes is a cup of water and a sunny day!

Find a dry part of your garden (on solid smooth ground like concrete) and allow your little one to draw shapes, faces, and whatever they want with the water. Using their finger, a paintbrush, or anything they like really!

Happity Colour hunt

Help your kids to develop their perception of colours with this brilliant activity sheet!

Print this free downloadable sheet we’ve made below and take it out with you on a walk. As you go through the park (or wherever your adventure is taking you) collect the different items that match up with the colours.

Let the multi-colour treasure hunt begin! (And tag us on Instagram @happityapp to show us your loot)

Muddy car wash

Is the ground not quite as dry as you were hoping it was?

Not to worry, this activity is a perfect one to help develop your little ones motor skills (and helps you with the cleaning up too!) Find any of your kids’ outdoor cars, trucks, and any other vehicles they have, and then let them drive it through the mud!

Once they’ve gotten their wheels nice and muddy, bring them a bowl of water and a sponge. And that’s it! They’ll have a surprising amount of fun getting messy and then cleaning it off again.

Fun & simple outdoor activity for toddlers: Pavement chalk art

Want to help develop your child’s motor skills?

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Find yourself some “sidewalk chalk” that’s suitable for age 3+, and let your kids have a blast drawing out everything from their wildest imaginations. And the joy of chalk is that it’s not permanent, it can be washed away with water (or can wait until the next downpour of rain).

Find fun outdoor activities for toddlers on Happity

There’s plenty of fun outdoor activities for toddlers listed on Happity!

Whether you’re looking for fitness in the wild outdoors, or somewhere where you and your little ones can connect with nature, there’s plenty to discover and try. You may even make some mum and dad friends along the way!

Draw a “Chalk Walk” challenge

Create an adventure path made of chalk!

It’s really up to you what sort of instructions you want to have for your chalk walk. Add twenty jumps in a circle. Follow a twisty turning line. Tell them to hold their hand ‘here’ and count to ten. Tell them to stand on one foot and tap their nose.

There’s lots of different options, and as long as it doesn’t rain immediately, it will stay around for at least a few days. Your kids will walk around it again and again.

Leaf Printing

When you are next on your walk, remember to pick up and bring home some of your favourite leaves. They’re going to make for a perfect tool for this next activity!

Get out the paintbrushes, sponges, or rollers, and put some toddler-friendly paint in a tray. Then paint your leaves. Once you have enough on there, flip them over and print them on a clean piece of paper.

And there you have it! A perfect print of your favourite leaf that you can treasure forever.

Rock painting

Just like the one above, this one is super easy. Just be sure to remember to collect your favourite rocks on your next adventure out to the park!

Once you’ve returned home, get out the paint and the brushes, and have at it. A perfect canvas, and a cute keepsake for your little one.

Or, if you and your kids don’t want to keep them, take them back to the park and leave them for someone else to find! You’ll really make a strangers day if they discover them.

Go for a “sound walk”

It’s time to go on a sound walk!

A sound walk, if you haven’t been on one before, involves taking a checklist out on your usual stroll and ticking off any of the things you hear on your journey. It’s a simple activity, but it’s great for mindfulness and keeps your toddlers occupied while getting that well needed fresh air.

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We’ve even created a free and fun printable checklist for you, just to save you the hassle of making one yourself.

Follow the Lego-man trail

What do those Lego-people get up to when we’re not looking? We’re sure that’s what our kids are wondering.

Grab one of the Lego-people (avoid using one of their favourites), press their feet into some washable paint on a paper plate, and create a trail around your garden. It’s a good way for your tots to follow a trail and it sparks their imagination too!

We’re going on a (Teddy) bear hunt!

This one might take a bit of prep, but it will be lots of fun for your tot!

Grab some of your toddler’s teddies, and hide them in secret locations in your garden. If you want to make it extra special, find a spot out of the way where you can sit the bears together on a small cloth for a secret teddy bear’s picnic!

Water gun painting

A wonderfully creative way to make some art!

Mix together toddler-friendly washable paint and water into a water-pistol, set up your (large) piece of paper, and have at it!

This usual water fight weapon will become a fabulous arty tool. It’s one of those fun outdoor activities for toddlers that you will find yourself setting up over and over. You’ll find yourself wanting to have a go too!

Fun outdoor activities for toddlers: Have a picnic

The final one to our list, and you can’t beat a classic!

Use a picnic blanket, and bring along all of your kids familiar favourite snacks. It will really go down a treat! Whether you are taking your basket out to your local park or you’re staying close to home in the garden, kids love to spend time with you and their plush friends.

Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?

Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5’s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

Find a class today!

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Leanne Warren

Leanne Warren

Happity's Marketing Magician. From blog-writing, to social media and organising the newsletters: she's all about content. When she's not working, Leanne is usually flip-flopping through a series of different creative hobbies, daydreaming about her next meal, and making an endless supply of coffee to keep her fueled throughout the day. That, or she'll be found mindlessly watching her two turtles, Bill and Ted, have Excellent Adventures together.