Halloween crafts for kids

13 spooky Halloween crafts for toddlers

Are you in need of spooky Halloween crafts for your toddlers? Well BOO! Surprise! We’ve got your back.

From spooky pebble ghosts to pom pom spiders – we’ve got your Halloween crafting covered.

So get out the googly eyes and get crafting with your toddler to create these spooktacular Halloween crafts.

Little leaf ghosts

Halloween crafts for toddlers - leaf ghosts

One of our favourite Halloween crafts for toddlers. Gather leaves on an autumn walk and when you get home turn them into these little leaf ghosts. Paint them white. A couple of coats of acrylic paint works well. Then use a black Sharpie to draw on spooky faces.

Pebble ghosts

Halloween toddler craft - pebble ghost

Paint pebbles with white paint (again, acrylic covers well). You can even buy glow in the dark paint too to give your ghosts a spooky glow. Decorate with either black paint or (even easier) a black Sharpie to make the eyes and mouth. Line your ghostly stones along your path for a spooky Halloween signpost to lead kids to get their Trick or Treat Halloween goodies.

Toilet roll bats

Toilet roll bats for Halloween

Don’t throw away those toilet roll tubes! Turn them into these batty bats. Paint black, cut out wings from black card and stick to the back. Then glue on googly eyes and fangs to finish.

Spooky spiders

Halloween crafts for toddlers spider with pipe cleaner legs
The wobbly pipe cleaner legs on these spiders make them really creepy! To make roll a ball of newspaper (or any paper will do). Cover it with black tissue paper or a sheet of black felt. You could even use a piece of a black bin bag. Use sellotape to stick it in place. Then take four pipe cleaners and stick them to the bottom of your black ball, using sellotape across the centre of each pipe cleaner. Bend them to make spider legs. And finish with googly eyes or eyes cut from white and black card or felt.

Ghastly ghosts

Lollipop ghosts for a Halloween party

If you’re having a Halloween party you can make these to cover lollipops or cake pops as a going home treat. Take a white tissue and wrap the centre of it around the lollipop. Tie a piece of black wool underneath to secure it in place. Add eyes with a black marker pen.

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Halloween craft for toddlers – Batty bat bunting

Bat bunting Halloween craft

If you’re doing this Halloween craft with tiny toddlers then you might need to cut out lots of bat shapes from card for them. They can have fun sticking down the googly eyes with glue and arranging them on a length of string, ready to hang and decorate your room. Older toddlers could trace around a bat shaped template and then cut out their own little bats.

Spooky finger puppets

Halloween crafts for toddlers - ghost finger puppets

Cut two ghost shapes from felt – large enough to fit on your toddler’s finger. Spread glue on all the sides, except the bottom. Then stick them together to make a little finger puppet. Cut eyes and mouths from black felt. And either sew in place. Or – much easier – glue in place!

Merry monsters

Craft for toddlers - toilet roll monsters

Toddlers will love this Halloween craft. They can really get creative and let their imaginations run wild. Save some toilet rolls and put out paint, googly eyes, felt pens and card. Then let your toddler design their own monster. We’ve given you some ideas above to get started.

Vampire bat and ooky spooky ghost

Vampire bat craft for Halloween

These are both made from strips of card rolled into a cylinder. We made a black cylinder for the bat and a white one for the ghost. Add details by drawing on or sticking on shapes of card or paper for the eyes, teeth, wings and hands.

Glowing Halloween jars

Halloween crafts for toddlers - mummy jar

Another of our favourite Halloween crafts for toddlers. These look great on the windowsill or mantlepiece for Halloween. First cover a jar with masking tape. Then cut shapes for the eyes and mouth from tissue paper and glue them in place. Pop a tea light in the jar and watch it give out a ghostly glow. You can buy battery operated tea lights, which are much safer to use when you’re doing this craft with little ones.

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Pom pom spiders

Halloween crafts - pom pom spiders

These little spiders are more cute than spooky but we love them. First glue some googly eyes to a black pom pom. Then cut short lengths of pipe cleaner, bend and glue in place to make the legs. A glue gun might be your best friend when making these. Do make sure you as the adult use the glue gun and make sure your child doesn’t touch the glue when it’s hot.

Halloween craft for toddlers – handy Halloween

Hand print monsters craft for Halloween

This one is a really fun Halloween craft for toddlers. Draw around their hands on a piece of card and cut out. Use card shapes and felt pens to turn the hands into vampires, monsters or even a cheery pumpkin. You could hang all the hands on string to decorate your room for Halloween.

Halloween bowling game

Halloween craft for little ones bowling game

A quick and easy make for a fun Halloween game. Decorate paper cups with googly eyes and little plastic spiders. Then set them up in a pyramid. See how many ghostly cups your toddler can knock down by rolling a ball towards them.

Happy crafting and happy Halloween when it comes. Don’t forget you can also find all sorts of Halloween classes and special events on Happity.

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