A lady puts hers hands on her pregnant belly

Trying To Induce Labour Naturally? 13 Things Real Mums Have Tried!

Are There Ways to Induce Labour Yourself Naturally?

When you are heavily pregnant and your due date approaches – or has passed – sometimes you want to try and get things started yourself.

What Triggers Labour To Start?

Usually the main trigger is you baby’s readiness to leave the womb. They have grown enough, and have enough organ function to be ready for the outside world. Hormones are also involved- the hormone oxytocin can trigger contractions that starts labour. You can find out more about the different stages of labour on the NHS website.

What Are 3 signs That Labour Is Approaching?

There are a few signs that labour has started. Some signs that labour has started are:

  • Your waters breaking
  • The mucus plug comes away (this would have been in your cervix during pregnancy)
  • Contractions beginning (or a regular “tightening feeling”)

The NHS has more details about this.

What Have Other Mums Tried?

We asked Team Happity and the Happity Community what they tried to encourage their little one to make an appearance – read on to see what they have tried!

Please note: the following ideas are drawn from our community of parents and staff at Happity, and in most cases are not clinically proven. If you are pregnant and overdue please make sure you’re checking in regularly with your midwife and/or doctor.

Spicy Food

If you enjoy a curry, this is a great one to try! A great excuse to have your favourite takeaway.

Bouncing On An Exercise/Birthing Ball

Helen from Team Happity says: “When it got to a few days before my due date, I started bouncing on my exercise ball in front of the TV…It was good exercise if nothing else! Lyra then appeared two days after my due date. Although I can’t tell if the bouncing helped, I’d like to think it did!”

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A pregnant lady smiles as she sits on an exercise ball


We have some in our Happity community that swear by nipple stimulation, to release oxytocin, and bring on natural labour. At least you might get a bit of colostrum which will come in handy for later!

Eating Dates

Lisa from Team Happity says: “I tried the dates method even though I HATE them. I got through about a quarter of one before deciding it wasn’t worth it – they were then in the back of the cupboard for about five years…”

Curb Walking

As well as pounding the pavements with long walks to induce labour, some mums have said they have tried “curb walking” – walking with one foot on the kerb, and the other in the road. The uneven walking pattern can apparently encourages the baby further down into the pelvis. A safer alternative for this is walking along the bottom step of your stairs at home, or have one high-heeled shoe on one foot and the other barefoot to give the same sensation. Although be careful to walk slowly and maybe lean on a wall/ furniture while you do this. Plus then you will avoid funny looks from the neighbours!


Alex from Team Happity shares her story of everything that she tried!

“Oh my gosh, you name it…. I tried it.
Willow was two weeks late and showing no sign of making her grand entrance. We tried a sweep, did not work. Because of covid, I really wanted to avoid an induction so I tried everything suggested.
I ate a madras two nights in a row… did not work.
I then ate a vindaloo (worth noting I do not enjoy super spicy food)… did not work.
I read somewhere than there are some enzymes in pineapple that help induce labour, I blended and drank a whole pineapple twice… did not work. (I also have not been able to eat pineapple since, it really put me off😂)

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I drank loads of raspberry leaf tea as recommended by someone… did not work.
Me and my partner also tried ‘couples way’ of inducing labour (if you know what I mean haha)… did not work!
I bounced and bounced and bounced on my ball…. did not work!
I walked for hours and hours to let gravity do its thing… did not work!

Safe to say nothing worked and she had to be induced properly by the hospital 😂Even then she was stubborn and it took two types of inductions to get the show on the road!”

Herbs and spices are in bowls on a table, with some cinnamon sticks and star anise on the side.

Quickfire Ideas

  • Gentle exercise
  • Acupuncture/acupressure
  • Eating dates
  • Herbal remedies (best to check with your midwife first though)
  • Aromatherapy
  • Blowing up balloons!

See What Works For You!

These are all things that we have tried, with varying levels of success. While there are no proven ways to naturally induce labour, as long as it is safe for you and baby then see what works for you! Talk to your midwife if you have any specific questions or any extra medical needs. You can also read what the NHS says about induction of labour.

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Helen Holding

Helen Holding

Happity's Growth Marketing Assistant. Helen works hard to get more classes around the UK onto Happity, connecting more parents with activity providers every week. Mum of one beautiful daughter, Lyra. When she's not working she is usually enjoying toddler classes with Lyra. Their current favourites are toddler gymnastics and Forest School!