Operational Guidance for Parent & Child Groups / Baby & Toddler Classes

Operational Guidance for Parent & Child Groups / Baby & Toddler Classes

NOTE: The below was published in Oct 2020, when we worked with Government to provide updates to our sector throughout the pandemic.

Now that Covid-19 is (hopefully!) in the past, we are no longer updating on guidelines.

If you are a class provider looking to fill your classes we invite you to:

  • Join our free Facebook group for class providers here
  • Sign up for a free Happity account here

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  • Sign up to for a bespoke weekly round up of classes near you here
  • Search for classes directly on Happity

Parent and child groups reopening after Covid-19

It’s been a difficult challenging time for our sector and many baby & toddler classes have really struggled to return. This is because there have been no clear specific government guidelines for baby & toddler groups. Providers have had to refer to many different documents to work out how to operate covid-securely.

Happity is the UK’s leading platform for baby & toddler classes. Through our community of thousands of class providers, we brought together a shared understanding of the existing Government Covid Guidelines. This document summarises all the the relevant information that applies to the parent & child sector in one place, with references to the relevant documents.

Working together to achieve real change!

Happity led a community of thousands of class providers and parents to lobby MPs across the country throughout 2020 via letters, social media and petitions.

We highlighted the challenges being faced by our sector, many of whom have been unable to re-open for the entire year, as well as the plight of new mums during the Covid crisis.

On 24 March 2021, Emily Tredget, one of the co-founders of Happity, was nominated by the Government Petition Committee for ‘Petition Campaign of the Year’!

Catherine McKinnell, Chair of the Petitions Committee, said:

“Because of these petitioners’ drive for change, many who otherwise might not have had the support they need will be able to access these groups during what has been, and continues to be, an extremely challenging time for new parents. These campaigns are a testament to the power of petitions to highlight issues that might otherwise not be heard in Parliament.”

As a result of this work, and the document below, we were able to influence and creating real change, including:

  • new specific legislation for the parent & child sector from 1 December 2020
  • baby & toddler groups clearly set out in the reopening roadmap on 22nd March 2021
  • new guidance documents issued on a) Principles for Safer Singing and b) a ‘Parent & Child’ section added to the Early Years document, reflecting information shared with policymakers from this document.

Read the full press release here.

The Essential Service of Parent & Child Classes

Baby & toddler classes provide a vital lifeline for new parents. Throughout the Covid crisis, we were hearing every day from parents who were lacking in support from their own extended family, and were desperate for classes to reopen. We heard from mums who felt their children had so little experience of the world beyond their four walls, that they couldn’t return to work.

As a team of mums who have struggled with PND in the past ourselves, the work of the past year has been very personal. And although it’s now clear that many classes will be allowed to reopen from 29th March outdoors and 12th April indoors, a lot of the practical aspects still remain confusing.

If you are a class provider seeking help and support in reopening, we invite you to join our free Facebook group for class providers here, or sign up for a free Happity account here. If you’re a parent, you can sign up to for news from Happity here.

This is an evolving document as Government Guidelines are changing constantly. We’re continuing to work with Government departments to help secure greater clarity for our sector.

If you would like to receive news from us on this document and Government guidance updates, please subscribe below with your email below.  You can of course unsubscribe from this list at any time. (Please see Happity Privacy Policy)

This is an open collaborative document, and we are super grateful to everyone that has helped to bring this together so far. If you have comments or feedback to add to this, please email us on [email protected].

NB – If you already list your classes with Happity, you’ll receive updates via our regular sector newsletters, so you don’t need to sign up again. 😊

Please let other providers know about this blog so they too can benefit from these Operational Guidelines.

Summary of government covid guidance for baby & toddler groups

Last Updated – 28 May 2021. Please sign up for updates.


Please See the ‘Parent & Child’ Section of:


“It is a legal requirement that support groups, and parent and child groups, must be organised by a business, a charitable, benevolent or philanthropic institution, or a public body, and must only be held in places that are permitted to be open and not in private homes or gardens.

From 17 May, under Step 3 of the roadmap, groups must have no more than 30 attendees.

Children aged under 5 years, and someone who is working as part of the group, such as a group leader, are not counted in the number.

Support groups which provide support functions for parents, carers, or their children, such as breastfeeding or postnatal groups, which have to be delivered in person may continue to meet indoors or outdoors but must follow the same rules as other support groups. Guidance on support groups is available in COVID-19 restrictions: what you can and cannot do.

All parent and child groups, for the benefit of children under 5 years of age, can meet indoors and outdoors.

Singing in Parent & Child Groups

On 29th March, it was initially announced that parents would not be allowed to sing in these groups – our community lobbied on the issue and amendments were made on 12th April with further changes in May to distinguish between indoor and outdoor regulations.

It now states:

Group singing can take place. Taking account of the evidence about singing and COVID- 19, singing is considered safer when limited numbers of people sing together.

Where singing is to take place indoors, no more than 6 adults in the room, including the group leader, should sing along with children aged under 5. Singing should be limited to the same 6 adults for the duration of the group session. Good ventilation with fresh air should be maintained throughout the session.

Currently, where singing is to take place outdoors, and:
– organised as 1 group – no more than 6 adults, including the group leader, should sing at any one time along with the children aged under 5
– the group is broken up into smaller groups of no more than 6 adults – everyone can sing and the same groups should be maintained for the duration of the session

From 17 May, under Step 3 of the roadmap, where singing is to take place outdoors, multiple groups of 30 attendees can take part. This limit includes children aged under 5, so where the parent and child group has more than a total of 30 attendees of all ages, they should divide into groups of 30 or less and remain in these groups for the duration of the session.

NOTES – Sessions must be ‘for the benefit of children under 5’ i.e. this clause does not cover parent & child activities for older children, nor classes that are designed primarily for the parent. If you run a postnatal exercise class you may need to also adhere to guidance on adult group activities.

The new headcount of 30 adults is an upper maximum only. You may find that with social distancing in place, the practical capacity of your venue is well below this. Social distancing still requires 2m spacing, or 1m plus masks. The latter may require some of your attendees to self-isolate if anyone from your group tests positive.

Below you will find more information and practical considerations for running covid secure parent & child classes.

Please be aware that the majority of the document was written in late 2020 when classes were last permitted to run. We will update this further as new guidelines are issued and updated in 2021.

Useful Links

* DFE Covid Helpline – 0800 046 8687, contact form on their website: https://form.education.gov.uk/service/Contact_the_Department_for_Education
* Current Lockdown Legislation – https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/1374/schedule/3A
* https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ –  check rates and trends in your local area
* Guidance in Scotland – https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-organised-activities-for-children/pages/mother-and-baby-groups/


This document aims to reflect England’s existing government guidelines and share how they are being interpreted and implemented by the baby & toddler sector at present.

Happity has coordinated the input of a wide range of practitioners into this document. It draws together information that is currently spread across a number of different guidelines – much of which has not been written with the challenges of our sector in mind.

It aims to summarise how the current guidelines are being used in practice to enable baby & toddler groups to operate both safely, and in a viable manner (financially, if they are commercial and practically, if they are community-run). Practitioners should not use this as an instructive document itself – but rather, as a useful guide as to where they can find information in the official guidelines when making their own decisions over how to run classes.

Disclaimer: the official guidance documents change frequently, and whilst we aim to keep this document updated as much as possible, you will need to refer back to the original guidance linked within. 

If you would like to receive updates via email as this document evolves, please subscribe here.


A number of Government ministers and MPs have stated their support for our sector to re-open and operate, as well as recognised the importance of our sector in supporting the health, wellbeing and development of children and their families. 

The baby & toddler sector faces unique challenges in managing the risks of covid. Unlike other activities, classes involve both adults and children participating together, and can cover a very wide range of different types of activity, including sports, fitness, music, drama, dancing and much more. It includes commercial businesses, as well as a significant amount of volunteer-run or community provision.

Happity has worked hard during the pandemic to secure recognition for the sector and gain new guidelines since first creating this document. Changes that have since come forth include:

Other commonly referred to guidelines for our sector include:

As none of the above guidance was written with our sector in mind, some of the guidelines do not apply to children under the age of 5, or they have not been written for settings where parents are in attendance. Others have been created with reference to groups of adults meeting. 

This means a great deal of care needs to be taken as to how and why each part of the guidelines may or may not apply in our settings – keeping classes safe, whilst enabling a sector, that provides a crucial service for families, to survive.

Operational Guidance

  1. Risk assessment and basic mitigation

Class providers should undertake a thorough risk assessment before resuming face to face classes, and follow the core public health guidance, covering the basics of good hygiene and essential mitigation (i.e. washing / sanitising hands, social distance, ventilation). They can contact local Environmental Health Officers for additional assistance with plans and discuss them with their venues. There are also a wide range of covid-safety training courses available online.

  1. Headcount Limits

Parent and child groups can take place with 30 participants, not counting children under 5 or the facilitators working or volunteering in that number.

This is an upper bound only and your actual number limits should be set bearing in mind the space of the venue. It’s strongly advisable to also keep a track of the number of siblings attending, particularly as a single carer for multiple children will find it more challenging to maintain social distancing.

The parent and child group exception doesn’t distinguish between outdoors and indoors and the 30 person limit applies for both. This also applies for parent and child exercise classes. It’s a smaller number than is permitted for general adult exercise classes, due to the expectation that parents are likely to wish to connect and speak to one another. The headcount of 30 supports this level of ‘mingling’, where it wouldn’t ordinarily be allowed (e.g. under the rule of 6).

  1. Social Distancing

The Parent & Child Guidance says:

Settings should follow the advice in this guidance to ensure that participants follow the system of controls, which will help towards mitigating the risks of coronavirus (COVID-19) for all children and adults in the setting. It is important for group participants to maintain social distancing between adults who do not live together and who are not in the same bubble and good hand hygiene.

There is no direct reference to social distancing amongst children. The DfE has clarified to us directly that:
“ minimising contact between individuals can reduce the number of children, parents, carers and staff required to self-isolate in the event of a group member testing positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). Therefore, whilst participating in these activities parents and children should minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible.

Social distancing reduces risk of transmission and infection, but there will be some situations where it is not possible. This is likely to occur between young children, who will find preserving consistent distance more challenging (whether indoors, or outside). Where it is not possible for children in the group to maintain social distancing, it is even more important that providers implement other protective measures, such as frequent cleaning and hand-washing.

Most commonly, providers are seeking to maintain a 2m distance between participants by marking out a space for each family to use during the class, either by tape or by using mats which families stay upon. Distances are measured edge to edge, rather than middle to middle.

This helps to reduce the number of people who may be required to isolate in the case of a positive test.

If this distance is not viable for a class to run, some providers are taking a ‘1m plus’ approach. This approach requires families to keep face masks on at all times (unless an exemption applies). There is increased risk with this approach as this places families within the definition of ‘close contact’ (close contact is defined as within 2m for 15 minutes, within 1m for 1 minute, or physical contact). If this is the case, best practice is to make a note of where families are positioned in the room to help assist NHS Test & Trace.

However, it’s extremely difficult and stressful for parents to enforce strict social distancing amongst toddlers, and could lead to a poor learning environment. But equally, allowing toddlers to roam freely just as they would do in the past, could pose an increased risk to adults as this makes social distancing harder for carers to maintain.

Class providers therefore need to use their judgement as to how strictly social distancing is required of toddlers in their classes based on the type of activity, and how much it affects the ability of adults to maintain their distance.

Many class providers are taking a pragmatic approach to this and incorporate the principles of distancing into the content of their classes. They encourage children to stay with their adults within their ‘special islands’ and coach parents on supporting their children with this.

Parents are asked to refrain from leaving their designated spaces where possible, but can retrieve wandering toddlers safely if needed, wearing a face mask. Young children in the covid era are more able to remain close by to their parents, and will quite often have a wander but soon return to parents of their own accord.

For stay & play style groups, providers have implemented social distancing by having ‘zoned’ activity areas and rotating families between areas in small groups or pods together, thus limiting the numbers in any one area at any given time.

  1. Face Coverings

Children under the age of 11 are not required to wear a covering, and children under the age of 3 must NOT wear a face covering.

For adults, the guidance for Multipurpose Facilities states:

‘On entering a community facility users will be required to wear a face covering, and will be required to keep it on, unless covered under a ‘reasonable excuse’. This could be for a gym class, if users need to eat or drink something, or if they have a health or disability reason to not wear one. Face coverings can be removed if users are undertaking exercise or an activity where it would negatively impact their ability to do so. See guidance on wearing face coverings.’

The guidance on face coverings also provides an additional exemption and allows coverings to be removed ‘if you are speaking to or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading, clear sound or facial expressions to communicate’. (See ‘When you do not need to wear a face covering’).

As one of the key purposes of baby and toddler classes is to develop communication skills, this is seen as a valid reason for removing face coverings, especially as the interaction is between a parent and their own child. 

It is also stated in the Early Years Settings Guidance that “face coverings are not necessary when adults are interacting with children, even where social distancing is not possible. Face coverings may have a negative impact on interactions between staff and children.”

Many providers are therefore taking a ‘mask to mat’ approach, particularly if the class is specifically aimed at developing communication skills. The primary purpose of using face coverings is to reduce transmission between adults, so carers are asked to wear coverings at any time they are moving around. They may only be removed if seated, stationary and communicating with their own child. The risk can then be mitigated by ensuring carers are spaced at least 2m apart. This is consistent with official guidance in Scotland specifically for the baby & toddler sector.

The guidance does seem to technically allow for masks to also be removed even at distances below 2m – however, this appears to be very rare in practice, especially as many classes have some level of group singing or talking involved. (See also Singing.)

  1. Shared Resources

The most relevant guidance on how to mitigate risks around shared resources can be found in Playgrounds (outdoor settings), soft plays (indoor settings), and Early Years settings

The Early Years document is particularly helpful with measures listed under ‘Handling equipment and instruments for organised sessions’, and the Soft Play guidance says ‘Roleplay props will also be considered as single-use items and a suitable system must be in place for the handling, cleaning and sanitisation of props to facilitate this’.

In all of the guidelines, the emphasis is on having an extensive cleaning and sanitisation programme, and limiting sharing wherever possible – particularly where it includes props or smaller items that a child is likely to put in their mouths.

In practice, class providers are switching to materials that are easy to clean as far as possible, avoiding soft toys and swapping to disposable materials. They are also making the process more manageable by encouraging parents to bring and use their own props only; either from home or by preparing a kit bag for the class that carers can purchase. 

If props are being provided by the class provider as single-use items, then it’s important to have a good system for managing this, e.g. clearly labelled tubs for used items to go into, ready for cleaning between sessions. If an item cannot be easily cleaned (and is not disposable), then in-line with the guidance for schools and Place of Worship, it could be quarantined for 48 hours (e.g. books) or 72 hours (if plastic) between uses instead. 

“Resources that are shared between classes or bubbles … should be cleaned frequently and meticulously and always between bubbles, or rotated to allow them to be left unused and out of reach for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) between use by different bubbles.”

Where equipment has to be shared within a session (such as certain larger toys in stay and play style classes), then providers are instead managing the risk by limiting the number of children that have access to the equipment at any given time – and asking parents to assist with cleaning equipment periodically during the session. The overall headcount limit of 30 adults also supports with reducing risk, as well as handwashing and sanitiser.

Although there is no specific guidance in England on the risks of certain common materials, it’s noted that Appendix 9 of Infection Prevention and Control for Childcare Settings Guidance in Wales (prepared before Covid) states that “play dough and plasticine should not be used during any outbreak of an infection.” Class providers have also switched to using electric powered bubble blowers (if using at all)

  1. Singing

This was previously a particularly difficult area to navigate. New guidance was published on 20 November to set out some principles for safer singing: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-suggested-principles-of-safer-singing/covid-19-suggested-principles-of-safer-singing

The role of group singing is fundamental in a large number of baby & toddler groups and has a clear purpose in child development. Class sizes are also significantly smaller than in other settings (such as events and churches), and only typically run for short periods of 30-40 minutes.

On 12 April 2021, additional guidance was published to suggest singing in parent & child groups should be restricted to no more than 6 ADULTS including the class leader when indoors. It must be the same 6 for the duration of the session.

As of 17 May, singing may take place outdoors in larger groups of up to 30 PEOPLE. Children are counted in this number. If you have more attendees, you can split them into multiple groups. Please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/actions-for-early-years-and-childcare-providers-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic#parent-and-child-groups

Some of the possible mitigations to help make singing safer include:

  • Extended social distancing (min 2m)
  • Singing at a spoken / soft level
  • Use of a microphone for the practitioner
  • Softer background music levels
  • Increased ventilation
  • Keeping face masks on
  • Further reducing class sizes
  • Increasing other types of interaction such as clapping / tapping and reducing the amount of singing content 
  1. Refreshments

It was previously common practice to offer families a drink and a snack during playgroups. However, there is no consistent approach on this at present, with some venues permitting refreshments within their risk assessment, and others that are not.

The guidance for Close Contact Services (such as Hairdressers) states “Salons can provide hot or cold drinks to clients in disposable cups or bottles. Practitioners should encourage clients to only remove their mask to consume the drink. When clients have removed their masks, practitioners should ensure they are socially distanced from the client (2m, or 1m with mitigations).​”

There is also some information in the Places of Worship guidance about how to safely manage the distribution of food and drink.

You may wish to change your policy on this depending on the local conditions and the views of your venue / local environmental health officer.

  1. Consistent bubbles

A large part of the baby & toddler sector previously operated on a ‘drop-in’ basis, with no advance bookings. As spaces are currently very limited and demand is high, the majority of services have now moved to a system of pre-booking only. 

Many providers are continuing to offer ‘single session’ bookings, as this helps a wider range of families access services. It makes classes more affordable, and helps vulnerable parents who may have trouble committing to a whole term in advance – particularly those who may need extra support with mental wellbeing.

In the Holiday Clubs and Out of School guidelines, the idea of ‘consistent bubbles’ is promoted as being one way to reduce the risk of transmission. It is also mentioned in the Early Years guidelines as a way to mitigate the risk around singing groups.

However, this approach represents a big shift for the baby & toddler sector where classes typically run once per week, rather than daily (as in the case of Holiday Clubs or Early Years groups).

Implementing a ‘bubble’ approach would have a substantial impact on the number of families that can be served by any one class – and the wider impact on health and society of this needs to be taken into account. For example, a 10-week term of 10 spaces in normal times could potentially reach up to 100 different families on a drop-in basis, running once per week. If the sector was to follow a ‘consistent bubbles’ policy, it would mean that the same amount of provision is now only able to serve 10 different families, whilst having only a limited impact on minimising risk.

Instead, it would be more appropriate to issue guidance to carers to a) limit the number of different classes they attend in any given week, b) space these out rather than attending classes on consecutive days, c) where possible, attend classes with the same small group of friends to reduce the number of different individuals they are exposed to (noting the area specific guidance depending on alert level).

  1. NHS Test & Trace and QR Codes

All classes should maintain a record of attendance to assist NHS Test & Trace and update their Privacy Policy accordingly. (See Guidance on Maintaining records for what to collect and for how long). For most classes, the best way to manage this is by taking bookings in advance through an online system like Happity.

QR Codes are designed to help assist Test & Trace. In most instances, class providers will be operating in venues that already have a QR code displayed – so it will not be necessary to generate their own code (unless they prefer to – in e.g. an especially large venue).

It is up to your participants as to whether they wish to use the QR codes. However, in hospitality venues, it is legally required for attendees to provide contact details – either by allowing you to keep a record of their attendance in your register, or scanning the code if not. If they do not provide contact details for an event in a hospitality venue, they must be refused entry. 

  1. What to do if Someone Tests Positive

Contact the DfE helpline for advice – 0800 046 8687, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Saturday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm. They will be able to assist you with information to send to your customers. The incubation period for covid19 is around 5-6 days on average, but can be more or less; and positive cases may be infectious from up to 2 days before experiencing symptoms. Class providers that have had good social distancing, hygiene and cleaning measures in place, have typically not been required by Test and Trace to close their classes.

Last updated 28 May 2021

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Happity working with the Government to get baby classes back as soon as possible

Happity working with the Government to get baby classes back as soon as possible

Well it’s been another busy few weeks in Happity-land!

Buckle up for a fairly long post – but one worth reading. It includes the highs and lows of the last couple of weeks and some videos that I’m sure will make you goosebumpy on one hand, and desperate for change on another.

Meeting with BEIS and DHSC

Sara and I recently met with representatives from the BEIS and DHSC Government departments to share the importance of baby & toddler classes, why they haven’t returned despite Government allowing them for a while (e.g. since July in England and August in Scotland), and what is needed to get them back successfully.

We shared that classes and groups are important for baby development, preparing them for nursery/pre-school, and also for a parents mental health. With 92% of mothers admitting to feeling lonely, and feeling lonely making mental health issues 50% more likely, AND having a parent with mental health issues impacting negatively on a childs entire life (to the tune of £5.7bn yearly per cohort), groups are all agree that groups are needed.

Happity Industry Survey Results (Sept 2020)

We highlighted why so many classes and groups are yet to return respite the Government allowing them for well over 2 months, and having a specific exclusion from the rule of 6.

It comes down to the lack of guidelines.

  • 42% of providers surveyed said they were still unsure whether the Government is allowing this sector to re-open
  • On average providers had to read 5 different guidelines to piece together what they felt was allowed
  • But still, 52% stated they had low to no confidence that these guidelines apply to their organisation – and for good reason…

Government officials are continuing to direct people to use incorrect guidelines that SPECIFICALLY say they are not for use where both a child and parent/carer are attending a session together.

We discussed how the baby & toddler classes sector is predominately run by small independents (often mums themselves) who are not prepared to put their customers’ health at risk – and the lack of confidence over how to operate safely is preventing a large number from re-opening.

Of those that have re-opened, half reported a significant increase in ongoing running costs (50% or more) as well as upfront costs in new equipment. However, less than 5% were willing to pass these costs onto customers – and are unlikely to be financially viable in the medium to long-term.

We foresee significant risk to this sector going forward – and a mental health crisis waiting to happen.

And of course, this effects vulnerable families the most:

“Families on lower income have contacted me to say they can no longer afford to come and feel priced out of children’s activities now.”

“My aim is to reduce isolation in parents in the rural areas where I live. If I increase my prices to cover these costs I’m alienating the very people who need this service the most.” 

We asked for clear guidance, which we are well-placed to help coordinate with feedback and consultation from the sector.

And because the voluntary groups and children centres are harder to reopen yet due to the “stay and play” nature of their sessions, we asked for a voucher scheme to enable the most vulnerable families to attend paid classes – many of which will have to increase their prices if they haven’t already due to the increased venue, cleaning and equipment costs if they are to survive.

They agreed about the importance of classes (as do so many others – I think this post on Facebook and Instagram is one of our most shared to date), found the information re the realities of the lack of guidelines and the issues this is causing, and have promised to discuss it further internally and revert. So far we’ve not heard anything back re positive change, but we are following up periodically and have offered to coordinate the sector to help formulate sensible guidelines, reflecting the best practice that’s already being put into place.

We need even more signatures on our petition though to make this jump even higher on their agenda (we are aiming at 100k to get a Govt debate!) so PLEASE sign and share this petition.

Maternity Petition Debate

Then there was the Maternity Petition debate – the first debate physically back in Parliament with the amazing Catherine McKinnell fighting the corner of new parents. There are about 14 other MPs also agreeing with her report (which contained I think it was 24 recommendations, only one of which the BEIS Minister had agree to progress – the one to talk to Happity re the baby and toddler class industry).

One MP didn’t agree – saying maternity leave was for the physical recovery of the mother and so extended time wouldn’t work (we would argue that many mothers haven’t been able to physically recover due to physio/surgery not being as readily available and of course many not being able to take the time to look after the physical recovering being home alone potentially looking after school age children too!)

She also highlighted that lockdown was only actually March to July. At this point I was almost shouting at my TV screen that whilst that was true for many sectors of society, many new parents actually felt worse over the summer holidays and more lonely as over 5s could head merrily to clubs and groups with no social distancing, but there was still nowhere they could take their child. And of course now with the introduction of 6 person max (including babies) the informal meet-ups that mothers had started to resort to are banned. (NB baby groups are excluded and so can run with more than 6 but the lack of guidelines it why so many haven’t been able to return.)

She was also concerned about the impact of increase maternity leave on discrimination of women – a viable concern – however given this petition is about extending maternity leave just for those on mat leave during Covid, I think the positives of extending would far outweigh the negative of this (given that this is likely to be the case unfortunately anyway with many redundancies on the way – sad but true)

But the overwhelming story from MPs up and down the country was that more time, and additional support needs to be given to new parents at this time. I for one just don’t understand why the dentistry provision – given because a mothers teeth are impacted due to low calcium levels through pregnancy and breast-feeding – is not being extended despite it not being available the last 6 months for new mothers.

I wanted to share this clip of the closing part of Catherine McKinnell’s speech (I dare you to watch it without feeling emotional of going goose-pimply, I know I can’t.)

Catherine McKinnell, Chair of the Petitions Committee

We know baby and toddler groups are needed to help babies develop and prepare for nursery/pre-school. We know parents need the peer support and community they provide. And it is worrying that the Government still isn’t doing anything to help.

Tim Loughton, another MP shared this horrible image of how some babies are now reacting when meeting others:

Tim Loughton, MP

And we know this to be a problem. In the survey Happity conducted a few weeks ago many providers highlighted that children who used to be confident, in returning to their class were shy and nervous. That children felt overwhelmed, and in some cases unable to last the full 30minutes.

We need to get back to groups ASAP so that those yet to benefit from groups can do so, and those who used to attend, can get back to their normal sparky selves.

Another personal favourite moment of the debate (although it may be as I know his amazing wife who campaigns like me for mental health provision for new parents!) was when Gavin Robinson, the MP for Belfast said that we are “yet to hear a substantive rebuttal for the report”. And that the “government is nothing other than tone deaf” on the topic of new parents.

And this is true. The only reason the BEIS Minister gave to the petition, to the petition committee sessions, the report, and now this debate, was that the maternity benefits in the UK are sufficient and one of the best.

But as I was quoted during the session (with some interesting pronunciation!), and as numerous MPs quotes the UNICEF findings throughout the debate, this simple isn’t true:

Catherine McKinnell, Chair of the Petitions Committee

But after all bar one MP wholeheartedly supporting the maternity petition, each bringing up different recommendations as necessary during these turbulent times, Paul Scully the Minister for BEIS again gave the same resounding no.

He said the session for interesting and informative. That he as a father remembers that social contact is important. That he sympathises that maternity isn’t being used as envisaged, and that he recognises we want to give babies the best start in life, and as social creatives that includes socialisation…

But yet again he then said nothing will be changed. That mothers have still been able to recover, bond and breastfeed. That they have had time to prepare for work. He highlighted the additional unpaid leave parents are entitled to each year (of course if they can afford it…) and once again that internationally it’s a good deal.

The one recommendation they did okay was to talk to us re getting baby & toddler classes back. That the convo we had I mention further up this blog. What would really help in getting those conversations going even faster would be for more signatures on our petition (we are aiming at 100k to get a Govt debate!) so PLEASE sign and share our petition.

But the story of our progress with the Government doesn’t end there.

Meeting with Andrea Leadsom

The next day I met with Andrea Leadsom who is doing a Childcare review – from the view of the baby and giving them the best start from conception to age 2.5.

(She was also at the maternity petition debate and said she wanted to ensure that after lockdown, parents can use maternity leave as the expected. Of course we all know that despite official lockdown being relaxed (in most places), baby and toddler groups in the most part are not returned. )

She wanted to understand what Happity did, how we have helped parents during Covid, and how we could help parents going forward.

Although she was unable to help with the immediate needs of the sector around guidelines and intervention, we are hopeful that some of the ideas shared with her about supporting the sector longer term will be considered in her review.

We offer free Happity membership to all Charities, CICs and community groups – and at this time we’ve been able to help many of these organisations manage their bookings and get their information online, especially as it’s often difficult for parents to get hold of.

Although we don’t make money from these groups, they are hugely important for parents to access, and we would love to have the support of Government particularly in helping Children’s Centres reach more parents.

It’s a segment of provision that we’ve always been dedicated to listing on Happity, even where it’s been expensive and time-consuming for us to do so – because it’s so important that every family can access this information. However, especially with the impact of covid, this is difficult for us to sustain financially in the long term. Children’s Centres need the help and resource to be able to manage their own listings.

I will be following up with her this week and next, and hope that by working with her on the best outcome of children, we can get the Government to listen and make changes.

They agree to the importance of baby and toddler classes and groups. But they are yet to make any huge positive changes.

I think they are trying (e.g. the exclusion of “baby playgroups” from the rule of 6) just they don’t know the ins and out of this amazing special industry, so need some pushing in the right direction.

Sara and I will continue to do our best to get as much support back for families through baby & toddler classes.

We can’t however do it alone.

What you can do to help your family

If you want more classes back, please sign and share this petition. It’s not just for providers to sign – it’s for all parents who also want to get back to classes.

If you want to input to Andrea Leadsom’s Childrens review you can fill out the survey (by 16th Oct midnight) here.

If you are a provider, you can also join our Facebook group for chat and tips on returning covid-secure, and you can list your classes for free on Happity. Even if you haven’t returned yet, you can register and get parents following you so that as soon as you do return they are easily notified.

If you are a parent, you can find classes near you on happity.co.uk, and sign up to our weekly “what’s on” newsletter which will send bespoke classes to you – importantly highlighting face-to-face classes available near you.

Finally, if you are on social media, we would really appreciate you helping us spread the word about Happity and what we are achieving. We are a team of 4 mums who absolutely love supporting you all, and if you can help us reach your corner of the UK, we can support you all the more.

This is us on instagram, facebook and twitter (although currently we are using Emily’s Twitter more for these debates!)