Are you a parent whose baby just won’t sleep and you’d like some ideas of what to try? We’re joined by Catherine Wasley AKA The Parent Rock, a certified holistic sleep coach, who’s here to give us her advice on what to do if your baby just isn’t sleeping.
Looking for fun activities with your baby or toddler? There are thousands of classes and groups on Happity. Find one you’ll love here.
When your baby isn’t sleeping and you’re deep in the trenches of sleep deprivation, it can feel like you have zero control. It’s frustrating, overwhelming, and might even make you feel like you’re failing. But here’s the truth: no one can make another person fall asleep – babies included!
The harsh reality? Some aspects of sleep are simply beyond your control. Your baby’s temperament, natural sleep rhythm, developmental leaps, teething, illness, even when they fall asleep and how long they stay asleep, are all factors you can’t dictate.
But here’s the good news: once you understand (and, most importantly, accept) what’s out of your hands, you can shift your focus to what is within your control. And spoiler alert – there’s a lot you can do to improve sleep for both you and your baby!
1. Shift Your Mindset To What You Can Control
Understanding your baby’s unique traits gives you powerful insights into what helps them settle. When you tune into their individual needs, you’ll feel more confident, even during challenging moments.
Think About What Soothes Your Baby Best
Does your baby respond to a gentle pat, soft shushing, or slow rocking? Every baby is different, so finding what works best can make settling easier. Responding early to their cues, especially if your baby is highly sensitive, can also prevent full-blown distress, making it easier to soothe them back to sleep.
Remember That Emotions And Energy Matter – Baby Sleep Advice
Babies are incredibly perceptive. If there’s tension in the room, they feel it. Responding with calmness reassures them that they’re safe, helping them relax and sleep more peacefully.
Reassure Yourself You’re Not Making Them Clingy
A common worry is, “Am I making my baby too dependent?” The answer: absolutely not.
Independence starts with secure dependence. Babies rely on us to regulate their emotions, and meeting their needs builds security, not clinginess. By responding with calm and presence, you’re teaching them that their world is safe, helping them settle and sleep better in the long run.
2. Think About The Timing Of When Your Baby Falls Asleep
You have more control over this than you might think! The key is understanding the basics of sleep.
How Baby Sleep Works – Baby Sleep Advice
Two main factors govern nighttime sleep: circadian rhythm and sleep pressure.
Circadian Rhythm is your baby’s internal clock, aligning with the day-night cycle and signaling when it’s time for a longer stretch of sleep.
Sleep Pressure builds the longer your baby is awake, creating the need for sleep. Think of it like a balloon filling with air. Just enough, and sleep comes easily; too much or too little, and settling becomes tricky.
Naps rely solely on sleep pressure. If your baby stays awake too long, they can become stretched too far, making it harder for them to settle. If they haven’t built up enough sleep pressure, they may resist sleep altogether. Adjusting awake times based on tired cues helps find that sweet spot.
Not all babies show clear tired signs, which can make timing naps harder. But trust yourself – you know your baby best. And if they do get overcooked? It’s okay. They will eventually fall asleep. Just reset and try again tomorrow.
See Sleep Pressure As Your Secret Weapon!
By understanding sleep pressure and adjusting awake times to suit your baby, you can create a more predictable sleep pattern and feel more in control.
3. Remember The Importance Of Getting Outdoors And Movement – Baby Sleep Advice
Why Does Getting Outdoors Help Regulate My Baby’s Sleep?
Your baby’s circadian rhythm is closely linked to natural light, especially in the morning. Exposure to sunlight helps reset their internal clock, aligning their sleep-wake cycle with the natural day-night pattern, making sleep more predictable.
Even 15 to 20 minutes of morning light can make a difference! If getting outside isn’t an option, throw open the curtains and let in as much natural light as possible. Setting up a play area near a bright window can also help.
Why Does Movement Matter In Regulating Baby Sleep?
Physical activity, like tummy time, crawling, and practising new skills helps build up sleep pressure, making it easier for your baby to settle. Just like adults, babies sleep better when they’ve had plenty of movement during the day.
4. Harness The Power Of Calm – Why This Matters More Than Any Sleep Strategy
The one thing you can control, and what I believe has the biggest impact on everyone’s sleep, is calm, both yours and your baby’s. It’s the most powerful tool for better sleep, yet also the hardest to maintain, especially when you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and just desperate for your baby to sleep.
We often focus on techniques, schedules, or methods, but without a foundation of calm, even the best strategies can unravel. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing sleep can be “fixed” with one magic solution – who wouldn’t want that?!
But the reality is, sleep has its ups and downs throughout life. Instead of chasing the perfect fix, focus on creating a calm environment. This sets the stage for better sleep, even during those inevitable tricky phases.
Why Your Calmness Matters First – Baby Sleep Advice
Your calmness matters because your baby picks up on your emotional state. The calmer you are, the more likely they’ll mirror that calm. That’s why calm first, sleep second is so important. When you remove the pressure to make sleep happen, it often follows naturally.
Practical Tips To Stay Calm As A Parent:
Slow down: Speak softly, move slowly, and focus on your breathing. Even small actions like dropping your shoulders, loosening your jaw, and making eye contact with your baby, can help both of you feel more relaxed.
Lower your expectations: Shift the focus from getting your baby to sleep at a specific time to simply creating calm. Sleep will follow.
Have a mantra: A simple phrase like “This phase will pass” or “I’m enough for my baby” can help centre you in moments of stress.
Calming Techniques For Your Baby – Baby Sleep Advice
Every baby is different. Finding what works best for yours is key. Here are some soothing techniques to try:
Shushing: A soft, rhythmic shhh mimics the sounds of the womb, offering comfort.
Rocking: Gentle rocking is one of the oldest and most effective ways to soothe babies.
Swaddling: A snug swaddle can provide security, mimicking the womb. Ensure it’s loose around the legs for movement, and stop swaddling once your baby starts rolling (around 12 weeks). Read more here from The Lullaby Trust on how to swaddle a baby safely.
Feeding: If your baby finds comfort in feeding, whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding, use it as a calming ritual before sleep.
Singing or humming: Your voice is one of the most soothing sounds for your baby. Singing lullabies or softly humming can create a calming, reassuring atmosphere for your baby.
Skin-to-skin contact: Holding your baby close promotes bonding, provides warmth, and releases oxytocin, helping both of you feel calm.
Baby massage: Gentle, rhythmic strokes can help relieve tension and promote relaxation.
Paced breathing: Holding your baby close while practicing slow, deep breaths can help them sync to your calm energy.
As A Parent, Are You Worried About Negative Sleep Associations?
Let me reassure you, you’re not creating bad habits! If something is working for your baby right now, stick with it.
Babies thrive on comfort and security. What soothes them today will naturally evolve as they grow. Sleep needs and patterns change over time, and so do the tools that help them settle.
So, let go of the pressure to fix something that’s already working. Trust your instincts, meet your baby where they are, and know that this is all part of the process.
It’s OK To Ask For Help – Baby Sleep Advice
Baby sleep can feel like a never-ending puzzle, but remember you don’t have to “fix” it. Focus on what you can control, take it one day (or night) at a time, and trust that things will shift as your baby grows.
Some nights will be smooth, others will be a total mess, and that’s just how it goes. You’re not doing anything wrong, and your baby isn’t broken. Keep tuning into what works for your little one, and don’t forget to look after yourself too.
But if sleep deprivation is leaving you completely drained and things feel unsustainable, it’s okay to reach out for help. Actually, it’s more than okay, it’s exactly what you should do! Whether it’s leaning on your partner, friends, family, or getting support from someone who truly gets it, you don’t have to do this alone.
So, deep breath. Whether tonight is a dream or a disaster, you’re doing an amazing job. And hey, at least coffee exists, right?
Thanks To Catherine Wasley – The Parent Rock
Catherine Wasley is a certified holistic sleep coach (OCN Level 6) and the founder of The Parent Rock.
With over 30 years of experience supporting young families and as a mum of four, Catherine offers a compassionate, evidence-based approach to sleep coaching that’s tailored to each family’s unique needs, without any sleep training.
She’s passionate about empowering mums to trust their instincts, make sleep choices that are right for their family, and prioritise self-care along the way. For more support, visit The Parent Rock and grab your free guide to better sleep.
Want To Get Out And About, Have Fun With Your Baby Or Toddler, And Meet Other Parents?
Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!
Are you a new parent who’s ever suffered from intrusive thoughts? Learning what they are and how normal they can be is often the first step in managing these thoughts and reassuring yourself that all is well.
We’re joined by Kate Sheppard, a mum of two, who’s here to explain what intrusive thoughts are and how you can manage them as a new parent.
Looking for fun activities with your baby or toddler? There are thousands of classes and groups on Happity. Find one you’ll love here.
What Are Intrusive Thoughts?
An intrusive thought is a thought which suddenly pops into your head without warning. These thoughts can be linked to the feeling of your baby being in harm’s way or danger, even when they’re perfectly safe. When new parents have intrusive thoughts, it can feel scary. You might worry that your thoughts are a sign there is something wrong with you. However, intrusive thoughts are just that – thoughts. They are not an indicator of your deep, hidden desires. You are still a great parent.
While intrusive thoughts can be extremely distressing, unfortunately the more you try to bury them the more difficult they become to manage.
Below I discuss intrusive thoughts and their prevalence among new parents, as well as practical tips that will help.
Why Do Intrusive Thoughts Happen?
According to the NHS, “A recent study of new mothers showed that 100 per cent of new mums had worrying thoughts about their baby being harmed accidentally and 50 per cent had worrying thoughts about harming their baby in some way.”
Whether you are pregnant or in the early days of postpartum, it’s typical that you feel an overwhelming desire to protect your child. For most new parents, it’s an instinct that’s seemingly hardwired into their brain.
However, this can lead to an increased stress response as you navigate the many dangers present in the outside world; did you turn the oven off before leaving the house? What if a car veers off the road onto the sidewalk? What if the buggy slips out of your grasp on a steep hill? And so many more.
While intrusive thoughts are normal among new parents, they can appear seemingly out of nowhere and can be incredibly distressing.
Remember this scene from Friends where baby Emma is locked in the apartment, and Rachel begins to imagine every worse-case possible scenario? It’s done for comedy effect but it’s an example of how thoughts can take over reality.
What Else Can Contribute To Intrusive Postpartum Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts postpartum can be the result of everything from hormone changes and sleep deprivation to lack of support and increased stress. More often than not, they can also be a symptom of pre-existing mental health conditions. Two of the most common of these conditions are:
1. Depression and Anxiety
If you had depression or anxiety before having a baby, it’s likely you will experience worsening symptoms during pregnancy and/or postpartum. According to Olivia Marcellino, VP of Research at, “Pregnancy can cause postnatal depression, due to a sudden change in hormones, stress, and sleep deprivation after birth. Between 10-20% of new mothers develop depression.”
Intrusive thoughts after birth are common in women with a previous diagnosis of depression and anxiety. This can result in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders that make the symptoms of intrusive thoughts worse.
2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) affects many people and consists of recurring thoughts, images, sensations, and impulses that feel like they are out of your control. These feelings drive you to act out repetitive compulsions, such as excessive handwashing, tapping, blinking, and more as a way to feel in control of your symptoms.
OCD jumps dramatically for many new parents with a previous diagnosis. This jump is often the result of a lack of sleep, increased stress, and changes in hormone levels.
For new parents who are struggling with their mental health at this time, Karen Kleiman, psychotherapist and founder of The Postpartum Stress Center encourages new parents that, “Postpartum depression and anxiety are very treatable. No matter what your symptoms are. No matter how bad you feel. No matter how high your distress is […] What matters is that you get the help you need.”
How to Manage Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts
If you are struggling with postpartum intrusive thoughts, there are steps you can take to manage and eventually overcome them.
1. Identify Your Triggers – Manage Intrusive Thoughts As A New Parent
Intrusive thoughts are often spoken about through the lens of mental health. However, for many new parents intrusive thoughts arise from feelings of anger.
Whether it’s the middle of the night and your baby won’t stop crying or you’re struggling with extreme exhaustion, how you’re feeling can create the ‘perfect storm’ for intrusive thoughts to appear.
2. Ask For Practical Support Where Possible – Manage Intrusive Thoughts As A New Parent
So, what can you do? If you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts regularly, this is a sign you need support. Whether you need to organise a family member to cook dinner once a week or drive you to and from your doctor’s appointments, having help is a game-changer for new parents.
3. Take A Breather – Manage Intrusive Thoughts As A New Parent
If you don’t have any help around you, don’t worry; you’ve still got this. If you’re struggling with feelings of anger or frustration, there is nothing wrong with putting your baby down in a safe space (like their cot) and taking a few minutes away from them to breathe deeply and regulate your emotions.
This simple practice can make a big difference in how you’re feeling and help to keep those intrusive thoughts at bay. Here’s more on how you can manage your emotions as a new parent.
4. Remember They’re Just Thoughts – Manage Intrusive Thoughts As A New Parent
Just because you think something doesn’t mean you will act on it. However, in the case of intrusive thoughts, it is highly unlikely that you will. Therefore, when you’re experiencing intrusive thoughts the best thing to do is to separate your feelings from the facts.
When experiencing intrusive thoughts, remind yourself they are just thoughts – not threats. Remembering this during tough moments can be extremely useful, helping to rationalise how you are feeling, even in the midst of postpartum exhaustion.
5. Share Your Worries With Someone You Care About
New parenthood brings with it many joys and challenges. However, it can also introduce you to a whole new world of loneliness. Research by the Guardian suggests that in the UK “80-90% of new mothers feel lonely. One study found that 43% of mothers under the age of 30 in the UK felt lonely all the time. […] Loneliness, unsurprisingly, can lead to mental illness [and is] a key risk factor for perinatal depression.”
This is your encouragement to share your worries with a trusted friend or family member or other new parents. You will be amazed at the emotional validation that comes from hearing other people’s and parents’ experiences.
6. Share Your Experiences With Other New Parents – Manage Intrusive Thoughts As A New Parent
When you experience intrusive thoughts you can feel scared to share these with other new parents, out of fear they might judge you or report you. This fear only further isolates you from the community and the support you really need.
Many parenting support groups are available where you can meet new parents and start developing those relationships. Remember: sharing with others isn’t a weakness, it is a strength and your vulnerability (although scary in the moment) can go a long way towards helping other new parents with their struggles, too.
When You Should See a Doctor – Manage Intrusive Thoughts As A New Parent
While intrusive thoughts are a common experience for new parents and you are not alone, it’s important to reach out to your doctor if you are worried. Rest assured that your doctor will not take your baby away from you because you’re having intrusive thoughts. Instead, they will work with you to provide the help you need.
We hope the advice we’ve shared in this article helps you in your postpartum journey.
Thanks To Our Guest Author Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard is a mum of two who loves to share insights about the joys and challenges of parenting. When she’s not spending time with her family, you’ll find her exploring the countryside. Connect with Kate on X: @KateSheppard90.
Want To Get Out And About, Have Fun With Your Baby Or Toddler, And Meet Other Parents?
Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!
Are you a parent who’s wanting to clear out your child’s old clothes in an eco-friendly way? If you have piles of outgrown children’s clothing cluttering up the house, we’ll bet you’re looking to pass on what your kids no longer wear. So to help, we’ve listed the quickest and most thrifty ways to get rid of your child’s old clothing right now.
Looking for fun activities with your baby or toddler? There are thousands of classes and groups on Happity. Find one you’ll love here.
If You’re Happy To Give Your Children’s Clothing Away For Free
If you’re happy to give away your child’s old clothing for free, then just follow the basic principles of reuse, reduce and recycle. Why not help the planet and others in the meantime?
1. Give To A Friend Or Family Member With Slightly Younger Children
This is by far the easiest way to pass on clothes which still have plenty of life left in them. Take a photo or two and ask your friends directly via WhatsApp. Of course none of us want to be storing bags full of too-large children’s clothes indefinitely, but if you choose a friend who has children of similar or slightly younger age, you can do a regular clear out and offer clothes which will fit as the next size up. If it’s a no, go to one of the reuse groups or methods listed below.
2. Donate To Your Nursery Or Childcare Setting
Pants? Who wants second-hand children’s pants? Turns out your local childminder, nursery, playgroup or Reception class might. They’re often looking for spare items of underwear that can be used in an emergency. It won’t matter if these items go home and are never seen again.
Dressing-up clothes and spare basics like joggers and t-shirts are also good to offer to your local nursery or childcare setting.
3. List Clothes For Free On Your Local Facebook Reuse Group
Collect items together which are a similar size and offer them as a ‘bundle’. For example, ‘girls age 3-5, includes leggings, dresses and skirts’; ‘boys age 2-4, including 3 pairs joggers and 7 tops’. Take a photo of the items grouped together on a neutral surface, then package them in a bag with a label until someone turns up to collect. This is usually easier than listing things individually, which is time-consuming for you, and doesn’t shift anything in bulk.
The great thing about using local reuse groups is that you know those clothes are going directly to someone who you know is going to make use of them – and all without the air miles or packaging costs too.
You may be surprised that there are people out there (Happity team members included!) who really will make use of bundles of spare socks and gloves.
4. Respond to Local Appeals For Clothing – Clear Out Your Child’s Old Clothes
Local children’s centres or food/clothing banks will often run appeals through posters, word-of-mouth or Facebook posts looking for bundles of clothing for local families. Again, they will usually look for gender and age range, e.g. ‘boys age 5-6’. Get in the habit of storing similar sized clothing together as you collect it up, then it will be all ready to pass on in a bag.
We’ve also heard of local fire stations collecting warm winter coats so keep your eyes peeled when you’re out and about in town.
5. Give To Second-Hand School Uniform Collections
If you already have a child in school, chances are that there will be someone organising second-hand school uniform. While they may prioritise children in need who are in the school, many will also hold second-hand school uniform sales where you can also pick up a bargain – save money and avoid buying new at the same time.
6. Donate To Your Local Charity Shop Or Charity Bin Collection
Your local charity shop is always on the look-out for good quality clothes. But before you bundle all those worn clothes up in a bag, really take a look at what state they are in. Charity shops won’t – and can’t – sell clothing which is stained, torn, or otherwise not in good condition. So think to yourself, ‘Would I buy it?’ If it’s a ‘no’, it may be one to offer to a friend as a spare, or even to go straight in the textile recycling.
7. Find Crafters, Embroiderers Or People On The Look Out For Scraps Of Fabric
People who reuse scraps of fabric for crafting are usually easy to find on local reuse Facebook groups or communities. Often they will actively post and ask for bits of material. Those old jeans which are ripped and torn? They may want the pockets to make a bag.
8. Take To Textile Recycling – Clear Out Your Child’s Old Clothes
If clothes are still hanging around you’ve gone through all these options, your best bet is probably the textile recycling offered by your local council. After all, no one really wants your child’s old stained vests or sleepsuits. But if they hold memories for you, check out our keepsake idea below. After all, they’re worth much more to you than someone else.
9. Turn Into A Keepsake – Clear Out Your Child’s Old Clothes
If an item of clothing really does have sentimental value for you, why not cut out a section and make it into a keepsake like a pillow case, cushion cover or even some usual artwork? Stacey Solomon from BBC’s Sort Your Life Out often has great ideas for how to do this.
If an item means something to you or triggers a favourite memory, it’s worth holding onto in one form or another. You can always reevaluate what you have in a year or so and decide whether or not to let it go then.
If You’re Hoping To Make Money From Your Children’s Old Clothes
If you want to try and make a bit of cashback on your children’s clothes, try the top suggestions then work down the list. We’ve started with the most local and eco-friendly ways of shifting your children’s old clothes before moving onto ideas which may need postage and packaging.
1. Sell At An NCT Nearly New Sale Or Similar Children’s Clothing Sale
Again, go for clothes which are still in fashion, good quality and which you know you would use again with a child of a similar age. Sleeping bags (though not strictly a clothes item) do seem to sell well here, along with children’s coats and jackets. There can be a lot of clothes on view here though (think rails and rails of 0-3 months clothing) so don’t be surprised if the volunteers running the sale return a big bag of clothes to you at the end of the day! Remember most parents here will be looking for bargains, so expect to price most items for 50p-£1. You can try higher prices for coats and clothing which is particularly lovely.
2. List On Facebook Marketplace
Directly market a piece of children’s clothing to the ready-made audience on Facebook Marketplace. Hopefully you’ll get a local customer but if not, people will often search in a radius of 5-10km.
3. Try A Car Boot Sale – Clear Out Your Child’s Old Clothes
Some items of clothing sell really well at car boots. Others not at all. Think about what you yourself would buy, and go for those items. We bet you’re more likely to buy an item of dress-up clothing or good quality coat rather than a bundle of worn sleepsuits. Items we know from previous experience can sell rather well:
Dress-up clothes like Elsa dresses, any fairytale princess, Spiderman etc.
Seasonal dress-up items like Halloween
Branded shoes like Kickers and Converse
4. Sell On Vinted – Clear Out Your Child’s Old Clothes
Some parents swear by Vinted for picking up bargains when it comes to children’s clothes. Our rule of thumb is, if the item of clothing is brand-new and/or with tags, give Vinted a shot. If it’s nearly new, branded or in excellent condition, also try listing it. But if it doesn’t look great in a photo, chances are it’s not going to sell anyway
You can’t expect to make much from selling, or passing on, your children’s old clothes, but you can feel better knowing you’re making a difference to the fast fashion industry in being as eco and thrifty as possible.
Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?
Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!
Are you looking for healthy toppings for your toddler’s pancake this Shrove Tuesday? We’ve got you covered. Whether it’s savoury or sweet, there are loads of toppings out there which are healthier alternatives. So look no further than our handy guide from A for Avocado to Y for Yogurt.
Looking for fun activities with your baby or toddler? There are thousands of classes and groups on Happity. Find one you’ll love here.
Yummy when smushed up with a bit of milk, avocado makes a really healthy and delicious pancake topping. Alternatives include mashed-up banana and avocado (surprisingly tasty) or, why not blend a little cocoa powder into smashed avocado?
2. Brilliant Blueberries
Try blueberries on their own, or add a spoonful of plain yogurt first and sprinkle the blueberries on top. A little honey can balance the taste of the blueberries but use sparingly and only add this if your child is over one (read here for NHS safety advice on why).
Cacao nibs look a lot like chocolate chips but are much healthier. Full of nutrients, antioxidants, protein and fibre, cacao nibs are not only tasty but are less processed and less sugary than other types of chocolate.
4. Fabulous Fruit – Freeze-Dried Or Frozen
Frozen berry mix is ultra yummy and great for adding to pancakes. Just defrost the night before (unless your toddler particularly likes very cold fruit) and sprinkle over your pancake.
5. Luscious Lime Or Lemon
If your toddler is into sour tastes, why not squeeze a bit of lemon or lime onto the top of their pancake? They might pull a face at first, but if you can avoid adding extra sugar it’s much healthier.
6. Original Orange – Healthy Toddler Pancake Toppings
A classic. Enjoy orange segments or squeezed orange juice on a flat or rolled up pancake. And you can always drink any left-over squeezed orange juice afterwards.
7. Positively Perfect Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is very nutritious. Use sparingly on pancakes though or it may taste a little stodgy (have plenty of water to hand). If your little one has never tried peanut butter before, Pancake Day probably isn’t the best time to try it in case of any allergies. But evidence does suggest that trying peanut butter younger does help build up tolerance in the long term.
This one’s always a winner. Simply slice up your banana and enjoy. Add a drizzle of honey for sweetness if you really need to (and only if your baby is over one. See here for NHS safety advice on only giving honey to over ones).
9. Smooth Strawberries
Chopped-up strawberries provide a great texture for your toddler chomping through a pancake. Or you can blitz strawberries in the blender to make a smoother sauce.
A dollop of plain or Greek-style yogurt will add a good amount of protein to your toddler’s pancake. You can also top this one with berries or other fruit.
Can Toddlers Help Me Make Pancakes?
You can definitely involve toddlers in the weighing of ingredients, mixing and stirring. If you have traditional scales, it’s great for toddlers to get used to what different quantities look like, as well as practising their fine and gross motor skills. Or you can measure out the ingredients and put them in tubs or bowls, all ready for your toddler to mix together.
What Are The Most Popular Pancake Toppings Ideas For Toddlers?
Fruit is always a winner. If your toddler is sensitive to the presentation of food, why not try arranging the fruit into something fun? We love the owl and dragon faces here!
Chocolate spread is also a popular topping for a pancake. So if your toddler really loves this as a filling, why not swap it out for healthier cacao nibs?
Are Pancakes Good For Toddlers?
Yes, even without a ‘healthy topping’, a basic pancake contains so much nutrition. Think eggs for protein and fibre, and milk for calcium, protein and vitamins. Try to avoid adding sugar to your pancake mix and for an even healthier recipe, use wholegrain flour. Or you can blend some spinach into the mix. Or add oats instead of flour. With children under 12 months old, try to use full-fat milk in your recipes.
“Cooking a slice of banana into the pancake into the batter mix was always a winner for my daughter.”
– Alex, Team Happity
Can I Make Dairy-Free Pancakes For My Toddler?
You can make dairy-free pancakes easily by switching out the milk for oat, almond, soya or coconut milk (but wait until 12 months old and speak first to a GP or dietitian if you think you need to cut dairy out of your child’s diet altogether). Alternatively take the milk/milk substitute out and replace with banana.
“You can make a really simple pancake mix with just a banana, an egg and a couple of spoonfuls of wholegrain flour.”
– Lisa, Team Happity
Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?
Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!
Are you a hands-on or active father to your children? Or are you a partner to someone who is? With around 95% of UK dads attending the birth of their children, we’ll bet many dads have a full-on experience of those first moments, days and weeks. But did you know that continuing to play a role as an active father is really important for childhood development throughout all the early years?
We’re joined by single father Jack Shaw of men’s lifestyle magazine Modded to explain why active fatherhood is so important to a child’s development.
Looking for fun activities with your baby or toddler? There are thousands of classes and groups on Happity. Find one you’ll love here.
Why Am I Championing Active Fatherhood In The Early Years (And Beyond)?
I believe that hands-on childrearing is the greatest act of love fathers could give to their kids. Although any skilled caregiver can supervise and keep your newborn, infant, toddler or preschooler out of harm’s way, being an active father significantly contributes to early childhood development.
Why Are Fathers Important in Children’s Lives?
Every family looks different, but in my experience dads are more likely to push their children out of their comfort zones, encouraging them to explore and test their abilities in a controlled environment. Rough-and-tumble play with fathers can help kids learn to regulate feelings, control their behaviours and take calculated risks. These skills allow youngsters to avoid issues related to violence and aggression later in life.
Paternal care uniquely impacts children’s neurodevelopment. Male children who grow up with highly caring fathers are likelier to become highly caring dads themselves. Not to mention, being actively involved in caregiving and homemaking helps your spouse or partner stay physically healthy and mentally fit too.
How Does Being an Active Father Benefit You As A Parent?
Playing an active role in your children’s lives also benefits you. Fatherhood – and parenthood in general – rewires your brain’s reward circuit. This brain area regulates pleasure, motivation and reinforcement learning — an adaptive process in which you use your previous experience to improve the outcomes of your future decisions.
In other words, your priorities change when you father children. You become a more conscientious, prudent and responsible human being. These neurological changes can begin as early as the first four months of parenting, so being actively involved in your kids’ lives benefits you sooner.
Bonding with your kids raises your levels of serotonin, the love hormone. Physical contact causes you and your babies to release oxytocin, promoting positive feelings.
What Does Active Fatherhood Look Like?
Fathers can interpret active parenting differently. Some may consider being a reliable financial provider enough, while others have different standards for how to be more hands-on. Here are some examples if you’re a first-time parent and don’t know how to be actively involved in your child’s life:
1. Take Parenting Classes –Be An Active Father To Help Childhood Development
While parenting doesn’t come with a manual, you can learn the essentials in the classroom.
Carrying, feeding, burping, changing nappies, bathing and other newborn care basics lay the foundation for fatherhood. Learning these skills enables you to confidently and safely look after your baby, bringing the two of you closer together from the start.
2. Talk, Sing And Read
Babies begin to hear at 18-20 weeks in the womb. Verbally interacting with your child before birth allows them to recognise your voice.
3. Be Present During Labour and Delivery
Being with your spouse or partner in the hours leading to your child’s birth is momentous. Welcoming your baby into this world helps improve father-child attachment.
4. Pick Up Your Baby
Carrying your child is magical. Physical closeness with your baby facilitates trust between the two of you. Anchoring early childhood development to such a strong emotional connection helps your kid grow into a well-adjusted adult.
5. Share Caregiving Duties – Be An Active Father To Help Childhood Development
Splitting caregiving responsibilities with your spouse or partner enhances your parental skills and makes life easier for everybody.
Childbirth can be a traumatic experience for mothers. Your spouse or partner needs all the help she can get to recover quickly and be a self-assured parent. The more healthy, loving caregivers surround your baby, the better.
Take time off to be available and give your child undivided attention after birth. You may be eligible for up to two weeks of paid paternity leave. Take advantage of it to proactively perform childrearing tasks without distraction from work*.
*see Happity’s extra note on Shared and Unpaid Parental leave below
6. Attend Doctor’s Visits
Staying current with your child’s growth and development before and after birth matters. Seeing your baby’s first ultrasound images, listening to their heartbeat, being present during newborn screening and comforting them after vaccinations are key milestones you shouldn’t miss.
Why Being An Active Father Is Crucial In Early Childhood Development
Hands-on parenting is about willingness and effort. Even if you consider yourself less instinctive than other fathers, you can nurture your child effectively when you make a conscious decision to be actively involved in their life from the beginning. If you live apart from your child’s mother, you can still be supportive and have a positive relationship in different ways.
Thanks To Jack Shaw – Modded
With a specialised focus on personal growth, Jack Shaw‘s articles provide actionable steps and valuable wisdom to ignite self-improvement. Jack is the senior Lifestyle editor of Modded, where he explores topics of mental health, relationships and parenting from the perspective of a single father. You can also find his works published in Tiny Buddha, Parent Co., Calmerry and more.
Shared And Unpaid Parental Leave – An Extra Note For Dads And Partners From The Team Here At Happity
Did you know that you can take shared parental leave before your child’s first birthday? So your partner can agree to split their maternity leave with you. You can take the remainder of their maternity leave consecutively (maybe while they go back to work) or you can overlap so you’re both home at the same time.
Unpaid Parental Leave is there for you to take more time with your child as they grow up. Each parent can take up to 18 weeks leave per child up to the age of 18, at a maximum of four weeks per year.
Want To Get Out And About, Have Fun With Your Baby Or Toddler, And Meet Other Parents?
Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!
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