Babyzen product review

Real Reviews: Should I Buy A BABYZEN Yoyo?

Real Reviews are from parents who have tested baby products in the real world with their own child/children. This Real Review was written by Camilla, a North London based mum of one. She enjoys attending baby groups and activities, and loves to meet up with other like-minded parents. She navigates the highs and lows of parenting with a sense of humour, and sometimes beer! Camilla has been using the BABYZEN Yoyo for 17 months.

When considering which buggy to buy, there are several important factors to consider. Will you frequently use public transport with it? What size is your living space? Is your building accessible? What kind of terrain will it mainly be used on? Will you be flying with it? With so many options on the market, asking yourself these questions is crucial to finding the right buggy for you.

Having gone through this list of questions myself, I chose the BABYZEN Yoyo

Pros and cons of the BABYZEN Yoyo Buggy 


  • Incredibly lightweight
  • Compact design
  • Smooth maneuverability


  • Compact wheels make it unsuitable for rough terrain

What’s great about BABYZEN’s Yoyo Buggy?

It’s exceptionally lightweight, so I can just about carry it up a flight of stairs with my one-year-old inside. The buggy’s small and sleek size make it ideal for our tiny London flat, where it tucks away neatly by the side of the sofa. When out, it feels smooth and easy to steer, and pushing it one-handed is easy. 

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Maneuverability is good. It sweeps around corners and fits through smaller spaces with ease. It’s ideal for shopping trips as it can fit where larger buggies can’t, and it comfortably fits down the walkway of trains. There is ample room for baby essentials in the underneath storage as well as room for a bit of shopping, and the zip-up pocket on the back is a good place to store keys and a phone. Being able to customise it with various colour packs is a nice touch too.

What could be improved?

On the downside, the little buggy wheels, which make it so light and sleek, struggle on rough terrain, meaning this is not the buggy for country walks. If the wheels hit an uneven surface, they sometimes shudder until you slow down and steer briefly in the opposite direction. It’s not as robust as other buggies may be. 

My BABYZEN already has some visible wear to the fabric canopy from six months worth of daily use. 

And then we come to the price. It’s expensive. Buggies are expensive. But the BABYZEN doesn’t include the essentials, such as a rain cover, so you may find yourself spending an extra few hundred pounds to buy add-ons that other buggies come with.

I found my daughter’s posture in the buggy to be slumped. There are a few options for the seat’s level; however, it doesn’t go completely upright or down, meaning your child is always at an angle. I now have it at full angle forward, and I bought the leg rest (at an additional £30) to see if this would help balance her out. It has helped a bit, but I wish the seat went further upright. 

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One of the main selling points of this buggy is how quick and easy it is to fold up, and then how small it is when folded. Yes, it’s relatively small when folded, and it does fit in an airplane overhead storage (tried and tested on a Ryanair flight), but no, you cannot smoothly and quickly fold it with one hand and a couple of clicks. It’s stubborn, and I’ve often found myself turning it upside down to reach the button and lever to fold it up. But, with practice, it becomes easier.

Review Summary of the BABYZEN Yoyo

Overall, I would recommend the BABYZEN Yoyo to a friend as a good and easy-to-manoevure option for city parents.

For great prices on BABYZEN Yoyo is always a good place to get a benchmark on pricing. 

This is a genuine recommendation, and not sponsored or generating commission.

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