11 Easy Alternative Treasures For A Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

Looking for some ideas for a sugar-free Easter egg hunt with your toddler? There are lots of things you probably have to hand in the house already for some sugar-free Easter fun! Check out our list of easy alternative treasures, from fluffy chicks and cardboard eggs to gold coins,  feathers and more. 

1. Fluffy Chicks

Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows fluffy chicks

For a fluffy chicks treasure hunt, you just need 10-12 of those yellow fluffy chicks you can buy in packs of 6 around Easter time. You probably have some lying around the house already! Hide the chicks in your garden or house, give your toddler a basket or bag, and set them off searching. The great thing about ‘chick treasure’ is that your toddler can rehide the chicks again and again. Easter-related, yet totally sugar-free!

2. Toy Animal Treasure Hunt

Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows toy animals

Use farmyard animals or plastic dinosaurs for this one. Bath toy ducks or squeezers will also work well. Anything which is brightly coloured, waterproof and easy to hide, either inside or out. Your toddler can swap the animals for a ‘treat’ at the end of the hunt (it doesn’t have to be chocolate). 

3. Cardboard Eggs – Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows painted cardboard eggs

You can make cardboard eggs easily out of cereal box cardboard. Just cut out as many egg shapes as you want for your Easter Egg hunt. Punch a hole through the top of each egg, add string and you have your cardboard eggs ready to go. These are great for hanging on bushes or low-lying branches and garden chairs outside. If you’re doing your hunt indoors, look for toy boxes, chairs and corners of furniture at your child’s eye level to hide the cardboard egg treasure.

Extra Activity: your toddler could decorate the cardboard eggs in the days leading up to Easter with paint or stick-on craft shapes.

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4. Toy Gold Coins – Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows gold toy coins

Play money or plastic gold coins can be an exciting treasure for your little ones to hunt for at Easter time. They’re small enough to hide, but shiny enough to find! Your toddler could trade in the coins for a treat if you’re planning on giving them an Easter egg or gift at some point on Easter Day.

5. Polystyrene Craft Eggs – Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

Craft shops sell large packs of polystyrene eggs which you could use as treasure for your sugar-free Easter Egg hunt. You can stick with white eggs, or decorate them with your toddler before or after the hunt. Stick-on sequins and jewels look extra cute on these eggs. It’s always nice to have a craft activity ready for Easter!

6. Fairy Doors

Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows fairy doors

    Fairy doors are easy for you or your child to make out of scrap cardboard. Just cut door shapes and colour them in. Here are some free templates for fairy doors if you’re looking for inspiration. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could add a mushroom or two. These fairy doors will look gorgeous hidden round the house or garden.

    7. Feathers – Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

    Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows feathers in a basket

    You probably have some brightly coloured craft feathers in your house somewhere. If not, it can be easy to pick up a large pack. The beauty of feathers is that they’re easy to hide and exciting to spot. You can balance them in all sorts of unusual places! For an extra challenge, you could ask different children to collect different coloured-feathers. Or see how many feathers of any colour your toddler can collect in total and play a fun sorting game after.

    8. Duplo Bricks – Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

    Duplo bricks are large, washable and sturdy, so are perfect for hiding outdoors if you don’t want other toys to get muddy. To wash them afterwards, just put in a plastic tub and soak in warm, soapy water. You can hide by colour or by size. Duplo bricks are also really easy to hide indoors.

    9. Dark Chocolate Or Organic Cacao Nibs – Almost Sugar-Free!

    If you want to hide chocolate, but avoid sugar as much as you can, look for dark chocolate bars or eggs with a high cocoa content. Some children will find dark chocolate quite bitter though. An alternative is cacao nibs (you can hide these in little tubs or packets), which are incredibly low in sugar and are full of fibre, antioxidants and other nutrients. 

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    NOMO (No Missing Out) and other manufacturers do ranges of chocolate bars for those with allergies, though they’re not sugar-free. Here’s an Easter hunt carton from NOMO which is vegan, gluten, egg, dairy and nut-free.

    10. Ribbons Or String – Sugar-Free Easter Egg Hunt

    Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows ribbons, string and shoelaces

    We bet you have lots of bits of ribbons, string, even shoe-laces in a drawer somewhere at home. Clothes labels are often attached with twine, wool or string nowadays and these can be ideal for tying onto things (chair legs, branches) and hiding for your toddler or child to find. You can use a felt-tip to colour-code string or twine as well. 

    11. Pine Cones, Shells, Corks, Stone Or Sticks

    Sugar-free Easter egg hunt - the photo shows shells and pine cones

    Go natural with your sugar-free Easter egg hunt and hide your child’s favourite treasures from the great outdoors. If you’re anything like us here at Happity, you’ll have a tub of pine cones or shells and stones on the windowsill somewhere. You can repurpose these into treasure for your hide-and-seek game. Old corks also work well.

    What Easter Basket Ideas Could I Use For Toddlers?

    You could fill an Easter basket with fluffy chicks, polystyrene eggs or decorated cardboard eggs  Or why not get some of those hollow plastic eggs which you can add your toddler’s favourite treats or toys to? Here’s a cute video of how to make an Easter basket with your toddler in about ten minutes (we always double the time for toddler crafts!) You’ll just need card, scissors and glue.

    Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?

    Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

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    Liz Melnyczuk

    Liz Melnyczuk

    Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.