20 Easy Songs To Sing To Your Baby (That Anyone Can Sing)

Are you a new parent and you’re looking for some easy songs to sing to your baby? Even if you think you’re not a great singer, it doesn’t matter. Singing can be calming for both of you, particularly repetitive songs. And did you know that all that repetition is so good for your baby’s development? So look no further than our handy guide to 20 easy tunes, ditties and songs you can sing.

When Should I Start Singing To My Baby?

You can start singing to your baby before they are born! They get used to the parents’ voices while in utero. Once they’re newborn, this explains why babies respond so well to the sound of their mum. If your heartbeats are able to coordinate in seconds, they’re going to love any variation on your voice!

Sing A Lullaby

You can’t go wrong with a traditional lullaby. Whether it’s French, British or South African, the repetitive nature of these songs makes it extra calming for you and your baby!

1. Thula Mama

Thuma Mama is a really relaxing lullaby from South Africa that you can try out at home with your baby. It’s so good, it inspired mum of two Helen Yeoman to create the classes franchise of the same name.

Check out this awesome clip of mums from Devon singing Thula Mama in harmony. Background music for naptime, perhaps?

If you’d like to have a go in a group with other mums, find a Thula Mama class here.

2. Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques one can be a great lullaby to sing again and again at nighttime to help lull your baby to sleep. 

Songs That You Learn At Baby Classes

Songs and nursery rhymes feature regularly in baby classes. Repetition of words, phrases and music can help so much with your baby’s development, so you’ll find providers often use songs. They’re fun too and really uplifting for the mood.

Many baby classes use songs using a parachute (where the parents lift a coloured sheet up and down) and peek-a-boo songs. Babies love songs where their parents or themselves (if they’re looking in the mirror) magically appear and disappear. They don’t have object permanence yet, so find it really funny. 

3. Wind The Bobbin Up

Wind The Bobbin Up has lots of pointing actions so it’s great for baby signing and communication in general. Here’s a Mr Tumble version for those Mr Tumble fans out there.

4. I’m A Little Teapot

Another great one for actions. Check out this very upbeat version of I’m A Little Teapot by Boppin’ Bunnies here or on Spotify.

5. The Grand Old Duke Of York

You’ll find The Grand Old Duke Of York is a good one for babies and toddlers. They love being lifted in the air and up and down. You’ll find slightly older babies begin to anticipate and giggle when they’re about to be lifted, which is lovely to hear. 

“At baby signing, we learnt a song about changing your baby’s nappy. We sang it at home too and helped make the routine of nappy changing a bit more fun! (plus our baby knew what to expect)”

– Liz, Team Happity

Sing an Upbeat Nursery Rhyme (And Mix The Lyrics Up)

You can sing many popular nursery rhymes in a round, meaning they have the same refrain at the end of the song, but certain words change each time you sing it. So as your baby gets used to them, they can start to expect what comes next and begin to respond – maybe by clapping or even joining in with the odd word or two. 

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Keep yourself extra alert by adding different lyrics to some of the most popular nursery rhymes.

6.  Old MacDonald

Old MacDonald is a classic. Babies and children love the repetition of the animal, followed by the repetition of the noise that animal makes. You can alter the words to suit your interest in animals as well.

“I remember doing ‘Old Macdonald’ a LOT and with completely obscure animals (and sometimes not even animals at all!). I also sometimes changed it to ‘old <insert baby name> had a farm’ or ‘zoo’ to keep myself sane.”

– Emily, Team Happity

7. The Wheels On The Bus

Most of us are familiar with this one. You can add your own variations. You can avoid gender stereotyping by switching all the lyrics round. Try ‘The daddies on the bus go chatter/chatter/chatter, knit, knit, knit,’ or ‘the grannies on the bus go up and down/read the paper.’

Here’s a Makaton version filmed on an actual London bus! Expect lots of wipers wiping and doors opening and shutting.

8. Row Row Row Your Boat

This is a song that you’re likely to hear at baby classes and another one with loads of variations. Variations we’ve heard are ‘…gently down the stream/if you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream,’ ‘…gently down the river/if you see an alligator, don’t forget to shiver,’ and ‘…gently to the shore/if you see a lion, don’t forget to roar’.

9. Hop Little Bunnies

Hop Little Bunnies is another favourite from baby groups. If you have a toddler as well, it will go down with them well too – lots of pretending to sleep on the floor and jumping up to hop. Here’s a sing-along version.

We loved all of the standard music and movement songs and we had some fun making up our own Row Your Boat verses!”

– Sara, Team Happity

10. Five Little Ducks

This is a great little counting song, and as your baby begins to grow and understand numbers, they may begin to help count down from five to one.

This version also has ducks, bunnies, penguins and  frogs:

Sing A Modern Classic – Songs To Sing To Your Baby

11. Disney Songs – Just Let It Go!

We bet there are loads of mums out there who use Let It Go! or We Don’t Talk About Bruno as a bit of a modern nursery rhyme for their children. Go for a bit of counting with Do-Re-Me or some uplifting lyrics in Let’s Go Fly A Kite!

12.  Hey Tiger! From the Tiger Who Came To Tea

Your baby may be too young to understand the book or lyrics yet, but you’ll thank us for reminding you of this catchy tune from Robbie Williams. Sing along to it here!

Sing A Theme Tune

Even if your baby might not watch Children’s TV, there are a plethora of theme tunes out there which are really catchy. So keep yourself alert and awake by singing some of these. 

13. Thomas And His Friends

You can have fun with this one by mixing it up and substituting the names of the trains in the song with the names of your baby, friends and relatives.

14. The Five Song from Numberblocks

This is an absolute hit with many children and toddlers as it’s really catchy. Written by maths teachers and experts, they know what they are talking about!

15. Dinosaur Train

If you want a Country & Western feel, you can’t go wrong with this theme tune from the creators of The Muppets. It might get your child used to the names of dinosaurs too. 

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Go For Your Favourite Artist Or Track – Songs To Sing To Your Baby

There’s no rule against putting on the radio or streaming a track. You can sing along to your baby . If you’re genuinely enjoying yourself, chances are your baby will pick up on this too. 

16. Anything By Johnny Cash, Adele, Judy Garland, David Bowie, John Legend, Katy Perry, Thurston Harris Etc.

These artists are all tried and tested with their babies by Happity team members! From the humming in Thurston Harris’s Little Bitty Pretty One to the sweeping melodies of Roar and Somewhere Over The Rainbow, pop on your favourite track and see what happens.

“I sang both of mine a lot of Elton John as I was useless with nursery rhymes! Ollie still loves Your Song at age three.”

– Lisa, Team Happity

17. Shotgun Or Green Green Grass By George Ezra

Never underestimate the appeal of George Ezra or Ed Sheeran songs for young babies and children. 

“Something about the strong lyrics and blocky colours in Ed Sheeran music videos seemed to fascinate our little one.”

– Liz, Team Happity 

Try A Good Parody

Parodies make us smile, so if you’re in the middle of a difficult day or on your tenth nappy change, try out a familiar song with alternative lyrics. You can even invent your own if you’re feeling particularly inspired.

18. Smell Of You

Did you know that Sophie McCartney, the mum who sang this parody of Ed Sheeran’s The Shape Of You, is the second cousin of Paul McCartney? She’s also done a Fleetwood Mac parody about getting ready to go out for the day (the video for this is particularly relatable).

Sing Anything Catchy

Just a phrase or bit of a song – if it works for your baby, go for it.

19. I Love You – Barney

Bright and colourful, I Love You sung by Barney the dinosaur is an easy one to remember.

20. The Happy Song

At the time of writing, Baby Shark is still really popular, but if you want an alternative, try The Happy Song

“I found this song called The Happy Song. Apparently it’s made to lift the mood of children/babies. I used to play it to them when they were in a bad mood and it used to work! Then it was quite catchy, so we ended up singing it too.”

– Sheefa, Team Happity

A Made-Up Song

Make up a song about what you’re doing! I’m brushing my teeth or I’m changing your nappy or you’re putting on your clothes. If you use a familiar tune, it can be really easy to do this. 

What Is A Baby’s Favorite Sound?

Obviously their own parent’s or caregiver’s voice! If you’re not that confident with singing, don’t worry – your baby will love it anyway. They will learn so much from just listening to you and maybe beginning to join in. They will learn so much from the phrasing and repetition. Hopefully you’ll grow to love it too. 

Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?

Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

Find a class today!

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Liz Melnyczuk

Liz Melnyczuk

Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.