Emily Tredget

Emily’s Story

Before becoming co-founder of Happity, Emily set up MummyLinks as a safe place for mums to meet up for local playdates.

Why? Because she had found becoming a new mum very lonely and isolating. Made worse because she suffered from severe postnatal depression.

Emily (co-founder of Happity) talks about feeling lonely as a new mum

Emily found motherhood a lot harder than how she imagined it to be. She says:

When I became a mum I pictured life to be sunny picnics in the park and catching up with friends over coffee whilst baby slept in my arms. That happened occasionally (or all the time if you look at my social media at the time!), but most of the time it was a lot tougher…

Emily’s experience of PND

Emily found herself at her loneliest during maternity leave – home alone with a small baby. She says:

“In particular, I found maternity leave lonely at times. I suffered with Post-Natal-Depression which made it worse. But even without that it is tough at times. It’s a big change from going out to work most days, having a social life, and running your own schedule.

I’d find it particularly tough if a mum friends (completely understandably!) cancelled last minute due to their baby being sick or similar. I’d Whatsapp my other mum friends frantically trying to find somebody else to meet with but they were busy already most of the time. This made me feel even more lonely.

I kept thinking, if I’m lonely at home then there must be tons of other mums in exactly the same position. Surely it’s not just me? Right…? (Ok maybe it is and the rest of you are all out at a big party having fun together?)

See also  About Happity

And I don’t think mums should be lonely. We needn’t be as there are enough of us around! But in this age of high house prices and great technology, we often find ourselves far from friends and family when we start having babies. I heard the other day that 92% of new mums now struggle with loneliness at some point. I think that’s awful.

I’m a strong believer that it takes a village to raise a child (and keep a mum happy!) That’s why I set up MummyLinks.

I am so excited to now be bringing the MummyLinks community of playdates and mental health support together with Happity because classes and activities for you and your little one are another great way to meet like-minded parents and beat loneliness”

Want To Get Out And About, Have Fun With Your Baby Or Toddler, And Meet Other Parents?

Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5’s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

Find a class today!

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Emily Tredget

Emily Tredget

Happity's CoFounder and our Chief Doing Officer. She looks after all things Marketing & Branding, Sales & Partnership, and Team. She struggled with PND after the birth of her son in 2015 so beating loneliness to reduce mental health struggles is her passion. Outside of work you'll most likely find Emily going for a run, driving her son to football fixtures, or socialising with school/church friends. She also loves dog walks and cross-stitch as a wind-down activity in the evening, and eating/baking with too much chocolate!