Learning About Eid: Simple Activities For Children

Have you been wondering how to help your children learn more about Eid? Chances are that even that if you’re not celebrating Eid yourself, your child might have classmates or friends who are. They may have done some Eid-related activities at nursery or school as well as learning some basic facts. So what fun and simple activities can you do at home to help your child learn more about Eid?

What Is Eid?

There are two Eids, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The one coming up to celebrate the end of Ramadan is called Eid al-Fitr, the breaking of the fast. Ramadan is a whole month of fasting, so you can imagine the celebrations at the end of it will be pretty huge! This year, Eid will take place on either Sunday 30th March or Monday 31st March 2025, depending on the sighting of the new moon. 

How Can You Celebrate Eid?

Eid activities for children - the photo shows food and presents for Eid

As Eid al-Fitr celebrates the end of fasting, there are lots of community celebrations for gratitude, including gathering together with neighbours, friends and family. People feast on delicious food and exchange presents. 

What Activities Can I Do With Young Children To Learn More About Eid?

1. Read A Story About Children Celebrating Eid

My Most Exciting Eid  is a lovely storybook with pictures, all about a girl called Safa who is celebrating Eid with her family and friends. The storyline is totally relatable for young children with Safa receiving a new bike, which she doesn’t want to share with her cousin. However, by the end of the book Safa realises that sharing and bringing happiness to others by celebrating together is a wonderful thing. 

2. Watch A Short Video Aimed At Children – Eid Activities For Children

CBeebies have come up trumps with this video where a six-year-old talks about how her and her family celebrate Eid in Manchester. She is too young to fast during the day, but you can see her decorate the house with tinsel, flag, streamers as well as cooking special roast chicken and onion pakoras with her mum. She also gets her hands and arms painted with Mehndi patterns ready for the party the next day. 

3. Get An Advent Calendar – Eid Activities For Children

Use an advent calendar to mark the 30 days of fasting (Ramadan). This is a really simple and visual way for young children to see how much longer is left before the Eid celebrations and parties can begin.

“As my children are only two and five, I tend to focus more on the excitement of the celebrations. I am doing an advent calendar counting down the 30 days of Ramadan and the lead-up to Eid.  I am getting them involved in the decorations and teaching them the importance of charity and being kind. They are super-excited for their Eid gifts and can’t wait for the day to come.”

– Sheefa, Team Happity

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4. Do Some Simple Crafts – Eid Activities For Children

Here’s a foil decoration kit from Baker Ross as well as an educational colour-in story wheel kit about Ramadan. You can also make Eid Mubarak (Happy Eid) cards and do other simple crafts. For little ones, simply draw an outline of the letters for Eid or Eid Mubarak and some simple pictures for them to colour in and decorate using pens, sequins or glitter. 

“I literally draw the letters and a mosque, moon and stars. They just colour and stick things on to make it pretty.”

– Sheefa, Team Happity

5. Do Some Baking And Cooking – Eid Activities For Children

Your toddler or child can get involved in the baking and cooking. There’s so much food to make that it’s quite fun for them to help out in the kitchen. Samosas are really popular for Eid. Make the lamb mince to go inside – your toddler can help with putting it inside the samosas. Your child can also help measure out and add the spices (coriander, cumin, red chilli powder) to add to the mince as it cooks. 

For desserts, milk cake is the most recent trend for Eid and Ramadan. It’s quick, easy (and messy!), so great for kids to help with. 

Check out BBC Good Food for some more great recipes. From pakora and cardamom biscuits to handesh and bhuna, there’s sure to be something to suit all taste buds. 

6. Collect Money For Charity – Eid activities for children

During Ramadan, children collect money for charity. As you can see in this CBeebies video, once the festival of Eid starts, children can take their money boxes to their local Mosque to donate to charity. Even if you’re not celebrating Eid, you could still make a charity donation to a cause that means something special to you. Make a simple money box by cutting a slot in the top of a tub or cardboard box. Young children often love the feel of coins – they can post one or two every day through the tops of their boxes. 

7. Help Your Child Choose New Clothes (If You Are Celebrating Eid)

Wearing new clothes for Eid is part of the celebrations. You can get children involved in choosing which outfits to wear. Perhaps you could go shopping together to try something on. Think bright colours and lots of glitter!

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8. Involve Your Child In Decorating The House – Eid Activities For Children

Eid activities for children - the photograph shows balloons spelling out 'Eid Mubarak' (Happy Eid)

The night/day before, get out your Eid decorations and involve your children in putting these up around the house. These can be balloons, tinsel, streamers and flags – anything to help make your house look festive.

“We usually have a cute set-up for Eid our children can get involved in.”

– Sheefa, Team Happity

9. Do A Ramadan Activity Pack – Eid Activities For Children

There are lots of Ramadan activity packs out there which help young children understand more about why older children and adults fast and about the prayers. Here’s one you can download from Twinkl and there are loads more online, as well as in stationary and craft shops.

“This Eid’s all about celebrating the end of fasting, so most of the learning happens during Ramadan. They learn why we fast, about the prayers, and they participate in giving to charity.  I also got a Ramadan activity pack which my children do bits of every day.”

– Sheefa, Team Happity

10. Prepare Them For Presents (If You’re Celebrating Eid) And Involve Your Child In Wrapping Gifts

Eid activities for children - the photo shows lots of balloons and wrapped presents

A big part of Eid is the parties and feasts which happen after the prayers at the Mosque in the morning. Families will go round to each other’s houses to celebrate together with lots of food, hugging, dancing and playing. They also take gifts. Your little one can help choose and wrap gifts for friends and family. See the excitement on their faces as they hand over their gifts and also receive gifts and money from relatives. 

Eid Mubarak! (Happy Eid)

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Liz Melnyczuk

Liz Melnyczuk

Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.