I love offering childcare as a grandparent – This is family

My grandsons are blossoming into two little independent toddlers they have very individual personalities and I’m having a great time watching them flourish and grow

Loraine Lewis

Loraine shares a positive story of just how much she enjoys offering childcare as a grandparent. And discusses her experiences attending baby & toddler classes as a non-parent. All while also working part-time for the NHS!

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Loraine. 💜

My family set-up

I am the mother of two beautiful children; a son, and a daughter. They are not dependants, they are grown up adults.

Yes, I write this as a grandmother, a very fortunate and honoured grandmother.

I was blessed with the birth of my two grandsons four months apart in the dreaded 2020 pandemic.

My first grandson, George, was born in June 2020 and made a surprise appearance six weeks early -in this now complicated world we were all experiencing. The weeks ahead were challenging for my daughter. She had to face the demanding task that a premature baby brings, all without having her husband by her side to share the turmoil.

My second grandson, Teddy, was born in October 2020. Lockdown restrictions were still in place, this time all without difficulty and mother and baby were out within a couple of day.

Offering childcare as a grandparent to two gorgeous boys

The coming months of their lives have bought many momentous occasions that have given me such pleasure. So, when I was asked if I could have the boys when their mums returned to work, I was ecstatic.

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Both my daughter and daughter-in-law had a year’s maternity leave, albeit somewhat different in the pandemic with working from home. I said that I would help with any childcare that I could. With such a close age gap, it was going to be impossible to have them together both for the logistic and my ability to be able to cope with them safely.

As well as working for the NHS two and a half days a week, I now have George on a Thursday and Teddy on a Friday. We do lots of activities in the house but taking them out during the day is a must.  It provides them with stimulation and encourages their learning in a whole new exciting world.

This is where I found Happity. After searching online for groups and classes to take the boys to, one such group has provided great understanding around animals and bugs (yes bugs). Teddy loved the Mini Beasts and was able to hold and touch them. We will be trying Mover and Shakers this week.

I have met some lovely people and, through my ragndsons, have discovered a part of me that has laid dormant all these years.

I truly love my family and am so happy I can take childcare responsibilities as a grandparent

It can be daunting as a grandmother starting again and entering new ventures, but I’m enjoying every minute.

I love my new family life. My grandsons are blossoming into two little independent toddlers. They have very individual personalities and I’m having a great time watching them flourish and grow. I will still be searching the web for continued support to enable me to enhance their lives.

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In my opinion, a family is the most important influence in children’s lives, no matter how that family is formed. I know how privileged I am to be a parent and grandparent and be able to share with their childcare and wellbeing.

I’m truly proud of my family and my delightful boys.

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