What Is A Play Therapist (And How Could They Help Your Child)?

As new or existing parents, we will all have an understanding that play is central to our children in the early years. This is reflected in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in nurseries, pre-schools and schools (Reception) where play is at the heart of how children learn. So if play helps our children develop, it makes sense that play can also be used to unlock feelings, experiences and difficult situations. This is where a Play Therapist comes into, well, ‘play’.

What Is A Play Therapist?

Play Therapists are trained professionals who help children work through difficult feelings, emotions and experiences through the medium of play. 

Often children tend to be able to communicate feelings more easily through play (rather than verbally) which is why Play Therapists use play as their main tool. So Play Therapists can use therapeutic play to help children make sense of “difficult life experiences” or “complex physiological issues.”

Check out the British Association Of Play Therapists (BAPT) for more information.

How Do Play Therapists Help Children?

Play Therapists provide children with a safe place to play together, exploring their feelings and emotions through play. It is totally child-led. The children and therapist use objects, toys or some form of creative arts. This might be music, sand, clay, paint or puppets. 

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Play Therapists help children tune into and understand their emotions. If children can understand their feelings, this can help them with impulse control. This is because it can help them think about what they want to do and why before they actually do it. Play therapy helps children act out what they want to express or say, and role-play as well. It can also help with stress and resilience in later life too. When children learn how to link feelings and words together, this strengthens cerebral pathways in the brain.

Read more about how play therapy works here

What Age Children Do Play Therapists Work With?

Play Therapists work with children who are usually from three to eleven years old. A child would benefit from play therapy if they have social, emotional and/or behavioural difficulties. 

What Is Filial Therapy?

Did you know that play therapy can help improve the relationship between a child and their parent too? This is known as filial therapy. Read more about it here.

How Can I Find A Play Therapist In The UK?

Click here for the British Association Of Play Therapists register. You can also search the Play Therapy register for Play Therapists who meet the Play Therapy UK standards.

Registered Play Therapists are graduates who train to masters’s level and undergo continuous training and professional development. So you can be confident their knowledge and techniques are totally up-to-date and relevant for your child’s needs. 

Play Therapists often work through referrals too. These referrals can be through health professionals, schools, local authorities and adoption and fostering agencies. 

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If you’re interested in training as a Play Therapist, you can read more about how to do this on the National Careers Service.

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Liz Melnyczuk

Liz Melnyczuk

Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.