mum and baby PND support

What it feels like to have PND

What does it feel like to have postnatal depression? The truth is that it can feel different for everyone. We often associate the word depression with feelings of low mood and sadness. But, when you have PND you can feel a lot of different emotions too, including anxiety and anger.

Some of the things you might experience can inlcude:

  • feeling anxious or irritable
  • not sleeping even when your baby sleeps
  • poor appetite (or comfort eating)
  • guilty and negative thoughts
  • being unable to enjoy things
  • feeling that life just isn’t worth living
  • finding it hard to look after yourself and the baby. (Source)

We have also written a useful blog which will help you understand if what you’re feeling is the baby blues or PND. You can find it here.

If you have PND we have put together a list of places where you can get help and support. These include places that run helplines and texting services so that you can access support easily and quickly when you need it. Head to our PND Support page to find all the information.

Mums share what it feels like to have PND

Emily (one of our co-founders) was the founder of an app called Mummy Links before she joined Sara on her Happity journey. With the help MummyLinks community she created this video to help everyone understand what it feels like to have PND:

PND Support

And this video provides some insight from those working to help parents struggling:

If you have PND you’re not alone

I in 5 mums suffer from PND. So, if you’re struggling mentally after birth then you’re definitely not alone.

See also  9 Top Remedies For Leg Cramps During Pregnancy (From Experienced Mums!)

Blogs about PND

Emily has written a number of blogs during her MummyLinks days on mental health, and we’ve had some great contributors too. Find some useful blogs below:

Can loneliness lead to post natal depression?

Five reasons you need mum friends

Is postnatal depression a millenial issue?

If postnatal depression was a male issue would it be higher on the agenda?

Is it just new mums that struggle?

A blog for all the amazing parents fighting for and against PND

More you might like:

16 things mums wished you knew about PND

9 ways to support someone through PND

Recovery from PND – Emily’s story

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Happity Author

This blog was written by an author from Team Happity! Created with research, love and care to make sure the information you are reading is useful, insightful and accurate. By reading this blog, you've made Team Happity do a little happy dance. Check out our main site to find a class near you!