Dance classes for you to do with your babies and toddlers!

What Dance Baby Dance says
Dance Baby Dance run weekly babywearing dance classes and regular dance and movement classes for toddlers and their parents.
Our babywearing classes require no previous dance experience, and include fun choreography to a variety of music taught each week with a view to bringing the joy of dance to our bodies while baby enjoys the movement and music from their sling or carrier too.
Our Toddler Jam! classes support development in communication and motor skills through music, dance and games, and are a joyful and welcoming experience for families.
I am a mum, dancer and dance teacher based in South East London. I have been fortunate to have been able to explore many different styles of dance throughout my life, and I dance with my family everyday. I look forward to sharing the joy of dance with other families at Dance Baby Dance classes, and love helping others learn to express themselves through dance. Dance is truly a tonic for the body, mind and soul.
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Sundays 15:00–15:45
18 months - 3 years 6 months
Selected dates
- NEXT ON: 13 Apr 2025
Mondays 13:45–14:15
0 months - 15 months
Selected dates
£8.00 - £12.00
- NEXT ON: 28 Apr 2025