Family Knees Up for Tots and above

What Dancin' Tots says

Hello, Welcome to Dancin' Tots, a one hour Family Knees Up for Babies and Toddlers and Above. With Disco Lights, Bubbles, Musical Instruments, Parachute, Giant Ball, Free Tea/ Coffee, Squash (bring your own travel cups/ bottles) and BOURBON BISCUITS!!!!! The only aim of Dancin' Tots is that everyone enjoys themselves and has fun. We started the sessions as an extension of dancin' and playing about at home, with our 1 year old daughter Luci (she's now 10!) and the tots seem to love it. It's great exercise for them, in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, and the adults they bring with them seem to love it just as much. So its all good. Each session lasts an hour and finishes off with us treating your tot to squash and a biscuit and you get a free coffee/tea as well. Then they go home and sleep for 3 hours, or at least we do (!) At the moment we run five days a week.

Eric Mutch

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