Toddler Group

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What Felpham Methodist Church says

Toddler Group meets every Monday and Friday during term time 1:15 - 3:15pm.

We are a friendly group and welcome parents/carers and their children from birth up to five years old to come and enjoy the fun. There are a variety of toys to suit all ages, a safe space for babies, and a singing time.

The cost is £1 for a carer and up to 2 children, additional children or adults are 25p. And this includes refreshments for adults and children, which are available throughout the session.

Just drop in at anytime during the session and we will show you around and introduce you to others. It's a great opportunity to meet others in a similar situation for a chat and to make new friends, and lots of fun for your children as they learn to play with and alongside others.

All our volunteer helpers are DBS checked.

Sarah Shelton

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