Foxtots Baby Toddler Music Group

  • icon-circle 0 months - 5 years
  • icon-calendar FRIDAY 7th March
  • icon-time-clock 10:45 - 11:15
Honor Oak Pub - The Lounge

(Class takes place in "The Loft" - is upstairs in the pub. Please make a note of what to bring with you. Please arrive in plenty of time so I can help and show you where to go. Enter through fire door at the side of he pub. )
1 Saint German's Road
Greater London
SE23 1RH

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You need to select some tickets to make a booking

Available tickets for 7th March

Single Session icon-info
Taster - First Timers/Low Income icon-info
Single Session Sibling (under 12 weeks free) icon-info
Block of 3 - One Child icon-info

3 sessions from 07/03/2025

Block of 4 One Child icon-info

4 sessions from 07/03/2025

Block of 4 One Sibling (under 12 weeks free) icon-info

4 sessions from 07/03/2025

Block of 5 One Child icon-info

5 sessions from 07/03/2025

Block of 5 One Sibling (under 12 weeks free) icon-info

5 sessions from 07/03/2025

Block of 3 - One Sibling (under 12 weeks free) icon-info

3 sessions from 07/03/2025
