Midwife-led exercise classes

What Glowing Mamma Ltd says

We empower new mums to navigate the world of fitness in pregnancy and postnatally, through specialist midwife-led fitness classes.


Hi, I’m Rosie, a Personal Trainer and the proud owner of Glowing Mamma™ Ltd. I also work as a Midwife in Worcestershire, with over a decade of experience in both community and hospital settings. I live in Worcester with my husband Joe, who is a teacher at a SEN school, and our four energetic children.

As a long-time runner, the trails are my happy place, and we’re fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful countryside here in Worcester. I’ve completed 10k races, half marathons, and a marathon, but give me a trail run on a beautiful sunny day with plenty of snacks, and I’m a very happy person! My all-time favourite run was when I got up really early with one of my run leader friends to see the sunrise on the snowy Malvern Hills midwinter a few years ago. The orange winter sun reflecting on the white snowy hills is a core memory I won’t ever forget!

Recently, I’ve started CrossFit for an exciting new challenge, and I’m really relishing the process of learning new skills and accepting that it’s okay to totally suck at something!

Although I’ve been a long-time runner and strength trainer, it was during my pregnancy with my third child five years ago that I truly discovered the incredible benefits of exercise during pregnancy and for postnatal healing.

In 2019, I decided to combine my two passions—women’s health and fitness—to develop totally unique midwife-led exercise classes. Now, I’m dedicated to empowering women through our specialist fitness classes designed to support them through pregnancy and motherhood.

Rosie Bligh

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