


Pilates class suitable for new mamas of all abilities - bring your baby!

  • Tuesdays 11:00–11:45

Barn Elms Sports Trust Queen Elizabeth Walk, London, Greater London, SW13 9SA

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NB: This event only allows drop-ins if there is space available. Advance bookings are preferred.


Join Chloe Morant, founder of Ikigai Pilates for a half price, introductory mat Pilates class suitable for new mamas of all abilities; bring your baby along too! Challenge yourself with a full-body, toning and conditioning workout.

When? Tuesdays 11 - 11.45am

Where? Barn Elms Sports Trust, London Marathon Pavilion, Barn Elms, Barnes, SW13 9SA - Free parking available on site!

Price? First Class is £6 (£12 thereafter, discount on block bookings)

“I highly recommend Ikigai Pilates to Local Mums. I've really enjoyed Chloe's postnatal pilates sessions. Ikigai Pilates really caters to different levels of abilities - there was always an option for me at her classes. Classes are fun, dynamic and instructions are easy to follow. I also very much appreciated how Chloe would offer corrections and encouragement throughout. It was also really helpful to get Chloe's guidance on coupling our breath to every move. Couldn't recommend those classes more!” 
Fiorenza R, New Local Mum
“I recommend Ikigai Pilates to Local Mums. I’ve struggled with diastasis recti since my first pregnancy, but only realised I even had it after my second. Unfortunately as it went undetected for so long I incurred injury from returning to weightlifting at the gym too soon. Since starting Ikigai Pilates classes and other postnatal sessions though, I can feel my core getting stronger which at one point I feared may never happen. I plan to stay consistent with Pilates as I continue to build my strength, and implore other new mums to do the same!”
Shauna M, New Local Mum

I can offer 1-2-1 individually-tailored sessions as well as in-person group and online classes. Currently I’m training for my Level 4 advanced qualification. So, what's in a name? Why 'Ikigai' Pilates?

Put simply, 'Ikigai' is the Japanese word for the secret to a long and happy life, aka, finding your individual purpose (and for the Okinawa community where the term was coined, their ability to live to 100!). For me, Pilates and fitness are my Ikigai, my reason for getting out of bed in the morning. Although Pilates may not be everyone’s Ikigai, it lays the foundations for a long and happy life through exercise and movement - which is where Ikigai Pilates comes in. The end game is to incorporate Pilates into your regular routine and promote an overall healthier mindset to aid you in achieving your fitness goals. It only takes two weeks to cement a habit, so now’s the time to make future you say, "thank god I started this!"

Booking info & prices

Book the class by following the link below:

Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £6.00

Booking info & prices

Book the class by following the link below:

Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £6.00
Chloe Morant