Pregnancy and Postnatal yoga in a beautiful and intimate garden studio

What Little Eden Yoga says

Little Eden Yoga is based in a beautiful, purpose built six mat garden studio in Woking, Surrey. Little Eden Yoga offers pregnancy, postnatal and hatha yoga where individual needs will be met; people feel safe and nurtured; and a sense of community is fostered.


Amy’s journey practicing yoga began in 2006 when she discovered yoga’s remarkable power to uplift the spirit and heal both the body and mind. Her passion for yoga led Amy to the tutelage of June Mitchell whom she studied under at the Classical Yoga School where Amy completed her Ashtanga teacher training course. Having developed a strong and regular Ashtanga practice Amy became pregnant with her second child, so immersed herself in pregnancy yoga. This led to Amy completing further postgraduate training with Sally Parkes, a Senior Yoga Teacher who specialises in pre and postnatal yoga.

Amy’s ethos is not only to strengthen the physical body but to nurture her student’s ability to ‘feel’ their way through their yoga practice. This is facilitated through a focused awareness on the breath, enabling a level of relaxation that allows the magic of yoga to take hold. In this state yoga becomes a moving meditation, helping to release inner conflict and allowing an enhanced harmony with the world.

Amy has an in-depth knowledge of how the body changes both during and after pregnancy, and her dynamic classes incorporate flowing sequences which create space in the body. Recognising that every pregnancy, birth and postnatal experience is unique, Amy adapts classes based on individual needs, levels of experience and stages of either pregnancy or motherhood.
Little Eden’s pregnancy yoga classes provide a balance between strength and gentle flow with an aim to harness and draw energy inwards. This brings a feeling of freedom, creates space and promotes total body relaxation.
In the postnatal classes Amy focuses on releasing tension combined with gentle strength work to support mothers in caring for their babies.

Little Eden Yoga

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