Baby massage courses

What Little Moon Massage says

✨️ What are the benefits of Baby Massage?✨️
⭐️Releases surge of oxytocin for both Mum and baby
⭐️ Aids digestion, relieving constipation and wind by supporting the digestive system to work more effectively
⭐️ Stimulates the nervous system, immune system, respiratory system and aids brain development
⭐️ Relaxes muscles and releases tension
⭐️ Provides relief from teething and colic
⭐️ Creates strong attachment and bond between parent and baby
⭐️ Calms and soothes baby - tactile stimulation is the first language they learn in the womb, it feels familiar and safe
⭐️ Stimulates blood flow, improving circulation
⭐️ Skin to skin contact and release of oxytocin aids sleep 😴
Over the next few weeks I will be posting about all of the benefits of baby massage in more detail, stay tuned!🌙

Nadia Motie

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