Musical adventures for wee people and their bigger friends!

What Louie Ukulele says

Every week Louie leads you on a musical adventure bursting with fun, joy and imagination. Louie has loads of original songs to sing, plus some old favourites, and brings bags full of bits and bobs for busy brains and curious fingers. He's looking for new friends who love exploring the magic of music and making a joyful noise. Putting homemade charm and wonder at its heart, Louie Ukulele offers a break from backing tracks and baby sharks. Louie thinks it's incredible that making music is one of the few activities with the magic to power the logical AND creative zones of our brains! It's been proven that engaging with music in early years has a positive effect on all areas of child development. It also creates a fun and creative space for bonding between children and carers. Louie Ukulele is for all ages of pre-school children and babies. It is created and led by Glasgow musician Lewis Gordon.

Louie Ukulele

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