Baby Massage Classes, Sensory Play Groups, Stay and Play groups
What Me and My Baby says
Baby Massage is a 5 week course for babies from birth to one year old. In the sessions you will gradually learn how to massage your baby, bringing pain relief, helping him to relax, and strengthening your bond. There is also plenty of time for chat and discussion on baby-related topics over drinks and biscuits.
Sensory Play is a group for babies up to one year old or when they are walking. There are different sensory activities each week from lights and instruments, to balls and feathers and also some optional messy play. We end each session with learning some baby signing and an interactive song time. There's also lots of time to meet other parents and chat over a cuppa.
Stay and Play is for children from birth to school age. Each week there are different activities on a theme in zones such as creative, physical, messy, construction, play dough, pretend, story corner and baby/sensory. After snack time we finish with an interactive song time.
Priscilla Trood - I am a qualified Early Years Teacher and baby signing teacher. I am also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor trained by the International Association of Infant Massage - the gold standard in baby massage instruction. I have taught in children's centres, nurseries, schools, playgroups and toddler groups for over 20 years. I set up my business, Me and My Baby, in 2017 following redundancy from my Children's Centre Teacher job and now enjoy delivering classes to babies and their carers. I have two grown-up children and three grandchildren under the age of 3.
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Mondays 09:30–11:00
0 months - 12 months
Term time only
- NEXT ON: 17 Mar 2025
Mondays 12:45–14:15
0 months - 12 months
Fixed course dates
£20.00 - £30.00
- NEXT ON: 12 May 2025
Thursdays 09:30–11:00
0 months - 5 years
Term time only
- NEXT ON: 13 Mar 2025
Thursdays 12:30–14:00
0 months - 12 months
Term time only
- NEXT ON: 13 Mar 2025
Wednesdays 12:30–14:00
0 months - 12 months
Fixed course dates
free - £10.00
- NEXT ON: 12 Mar 2025