Mini Music is a music activity for babies and young children in Nottingham

What Mini Music Nottingham says

The Mini Music programme is designed and taught by a mum who is also a musician and has been teaching music to children for the past 15 years. Currently the classes offered are for babies between 0-4 years old, but further classes for older children will be added soon. The main goals of Mini Music are: To help the attending parents/carers cultivate an additional mode of communication between them and their babies through singing, moving to music and making music together To build confidence in young children to express themselves freely To make children comfortable with their singing voice and help them use it to communicate, express feelings and make music To help children explore sounds in various instruments and experiment with sounds in composition To introduce a broad range of musical styles and traditions, with an emphasis on traditional music To make children aware of dominant musical patterns in the western tradition and gradually enable them to use these patterns as creative building blocks In later stages, introduce children to music notation as a functional tool to aid more advanced music learning and develop their “inner ear”

Mini Music Nottingham

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