High quality, educational music curriculum for young children

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What Monkey Music says

Monkey Music is passionate about introducing music to your little one right from the start, beginning with specialist baby classes from 3 months, to teaching your child to read music and introducing orchestral instruments at 3-4 years, each class level is superbly resourced, structured and beautifully presented with gorgeous puppets, hand crafted props, specialist percussion, dance, magical bubbles and lots more. Monkey Music provides the perfect learning environment for your child to flourish.


Hello! My name is Melissa Oliver and I’m thrilled to be offering the Monkey Music experience in Cobham and Weybridge! Our age-specific weekly classes for children aged 3 months – 4 years have been specially written and created so that families learn together through music and whilst making friends. Our specially trained Monkey Music teachers offer a supportive environment that is equally rewarding for both the little ones and grown-ups.

As a former Pre School teacher in the US with a Degree in Early Childhood Education, I understand the value that music plays in early education and the catchy Monkey Music songs and brilliant bespoke age-specific curricula are a great fit for each age group. Also having had the benefit of being a Monkey Music parent myself with my two children, I immediately understood the value in the classes and as a family, they were a highlight of our week!Our team of amazing teachers run classes in Cobham at Cobham Reform Church and The Sacred Heart Church Hall (KT11 3BD, KT11 1AA) and in Weybridge at Weybridge St. Mary’s Church and St James’ Parish Centre (KT13 9SZ and KT13 8DE) You can see our timetable below for more details and to book your first FREE class. Following on from your first free class you will be invited to book your spot at our small regular weekly class where you and your little one will learn together each week with children of a similar age. Your payments will be collected on a monthly basis and we also offer catch-up classes as we know life with a little one can be unpredictable.Book your first FREE class now. We look forward to sharing precious time with you and your family at a venue nearby very soon!

Melissa Oliver

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