Creative peer support groups connecting mums to support them & their baby/child

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What Mothers Uncovered/Livestock says

Mothers Uncovered is a place to explore feelings about motherhood openly and honestly, without judgement.

We support mothers in their matrescence (which means the process of becoming a mother). Our groups are led by mothers who are past participants, open to all stages of motherhood. We share experiences through facilitated discussion and art and writing.

A safe environment to explore matrescence and/or difficult or painful feelings.

Our projects

- My Birth: a space to explore the story of your child's birth and help process birth trauma.
- Frazzled: online peer support group for parents who have a SEND (special education need/disability) child/ren.
- The Teen Years: a space for parents/carers of older children.
- Younger Mothers Uncovered: a peer support group for mothers up to 26, led by young mothers.
- Realise Your Potential: guiding mothers returning to the workplace and helping them identify skills and values.


- Our work has empowered over 3000 mothers, including past participants who have become facilitators (25 since 2014).
- Experiences are captured in The Secret Life of Mothers (2018) book and The Secret Life of Mothers podcast (Spotify).
- Our petition for maternal mental health:
- ‘Mothers Uncovered saved me. There’s no other way of putting it.’

Maggie Gordon-Walker

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