We offer information and support in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood
What NCT says
We're here to support parents. We give them accurate, impartial information so that they can decide what’s best for their family, and we introduce them to a network of local parents to gain practical and emotional support. In person, online or on the phone we provide support for parents through antenatal and postnatal courses, website, local branches and community support.
NCT Infant Feeding Drop-in
NCT Infant Feeding Drop-in is a free drop-in, led by an NCT Infant Feeding Peer Supporters, which any parent or expectant parent can come along to for support with feeding your baby. When visiting a NCT Infant Feeding Drop-in you can expect:
- To be made welcome in a relaxed, safe, child-friendly environment
- For the service to be free, inclusive and accessible
- To be supported by a qualified NCT Infant feeding Peer Supporter to help you make decisions that are right for you
- To receive support, encouragement and reliable information – whether getting ready to breastfeed, establishing
or continuing feeding, expressing, positioning and attachment or a chat and a cup of tea.
- To meet other parents
- To be signposted to other services including health professionals, local community support and other NCT services and groups
Everyone is welcome.