Pop up Play Village is an exciting play experience for children

What Pop Up Play Village says

Pop up Play Village is an exciting play experience for children who love to role play!


Come along to Pop Up Play Village in and around Camberley and Woking!

Our role play village is mobile, open plan, educational and FUN!!

Children from babies to 8 years are able to play in a safe environment where they can engage, explore and immerse themselves in the world of role play. They can become doctors, chefs, builders, shopkeepers and more – our play areas are designed to inspire imaginations and allow the children to lead their own play.

We are family orientated and know that it's as important for grown ups to socialise as much as it is our little people, so our sessions are open plan to allow you to sit back and always be able to see your children.

We can't wait to see you at a session and welcome you to our village very soon.

Nikomi Holding

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