What Popcats says
Our Popcat's sessions are all designed with early learning goals in mind. Our class leaders are all experienced teachers and they know how to encourage development with each individual child. We have many classes for you to choose from each week!
Hi, I’m Laura and I am a qualified primary school teacher and I have taught a wide range of age ranges over the past 16 years. I specialise in Early Years, and I adore to be a part of this learning journey. My heart has always been with Early Years, and I am excited that I can continue my passion within this, as a Popcat’s leader.
I have two beautiful children, Ajay aged 7 and Mia age 4. I am delighted that I can fit my passion into being a part of my own children’s journey. I attended Popcat’s through another team leader with my daughter and was in awe of how many amazing memories can be made.
I cannot wait to become a part of the magical journey with you and your little ones through Popcat’s.
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