Those early days can feel lonely, yet overwhelming. Support is the key in these early weeks and I believe there is not enough support out there for parents.
We have suddenly welcomed these vulnerable bundle in to our lives, who has turned us upside down. I want to encourage everyone who struggling to find a moment to catch there breath to come along to Breathe.
The class will be super chilled, and mega slow paced. It will be a safe space to share your experience, share ideas and just be. The time will be shaped around the needs of you each week. We will sit and talk, maybe explore a little massage, techniques for soothing baby, sleep shaping ideas, plus so much more.
A place where you come for a drink and some refreshments and tons of love.
All bookings must be made via the following link
Booking info & prices Facebook: Amore Therapy - Baby Massage and Family Well Being Instagram: amore_babymassage_sleeptherapy
- Block of 4: £42.25
Booking info & prices Facebook: Amore Therapy - Baby Massage and Family Well Being Instagram: amore_babymassage_sleeptherapy
- Block of 4: £42.25