


Structured baby led swimming classes

  • Thursdays 11:00–11:30

Bromsgrove Hotel & Spa Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 0JB

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  • icon-calendar All year
  • icon-people 0 months - 18 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £54.50
  • icon-location-small miles from


Our aims and ethos are demonstrated well with the example of our Aqua Splashers classes. By applying the Birthlight© principles and methods which include promoting awareness, respect, providing a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationships with our children in a kind, gentle, loving and effective nature this allows parents and babies to relax, share the enjoyment of the movements in the classes and their baby’s exploration of the water and their journey to independence. Often parents’ personal anxieties towards the water and their children can be a strong barrier to progression. Establishing this relationship of trust provides a strong bond that ensures a healthy deep-rooted foundation for future physical and emotional stability for the child. This unique approach helps to ensure parents and swimmers who start with Aqua Jems stay with Aqua Jems, often introducing friends and relatives to our classes.

The key elements to this approach are:
Luxurious 31°C water temperature within high specification facilities. We find cold water is often a major barrier to enjoyment of baby swimming in particular. As 31-32°C is the recommended temperature for young and very small babies we only use pools that achieve this standard routinely. Babies are happy, parents are happy and therefore we are happy!!

Booking info & prices

  • Monthly Standing order : £54.50

Booking info & prices

  • Monthly Standing order : £54.50
Jennie Mitchell