We Sing French is our fun-filled, highly interactive music class for toddlers and preschoolers (little siblings welcome*). We use imaginative props, creative play, dance and movement all set to our award-winning French music. We Sing French is all about building your child's confidence with music and language as well as focusing on their physical and emotional development. *siblings under 12 months are free, others receive 1/3 discount!
Please email lucy@bilinguasing if you have any queries
Booking info & prices
Classes booked in blocks (term time only) -
- Block of [enter a number]: £72.00
- Term Ticket: £8.00 (per class)
Booking info & prices
Classes booked in blocks (term time only) -
- Block of [enter a number]: £72.00
- Term Ticket: £8.00 (per class)