Families and elderly residents enjoy this class together; singing, sharing puppets, instruments and fun.
All adults are currently asked to take a lateral flow on the morning of the class (the home can provide these if you do not have some) and to wear a face covering throughout.
We are really looking forward to being back together after a two year break.
Booking info & prices
- Term Ticket: £7.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £8.00
- Childminded child: £3.00
Siblings & Discounts
- Term Ticket: £0.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £0.00
Booking info & prices
- Term Ticket: £7.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £8.00
- Childminded child: £3.00
Siblings & Discounts
- Term Ticket: £0.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £0.00
Anna Coggan