Families and elderly residents enjoy this class together; singing, sharing puppets, instruments and fun.
All adults are currently asked to take a lateral flow on the morning of the class (the home can provide these if you do not have some) and to wear a face covering throughout.
We are really looking forward to being back together after a two year break.
Bring your little ones to enjoy musical fun alongside Brantley Manor's elderly residents. Each of our 40 minute classes explores a different theme through nursery rhymes, puppets, musical instruments and action songs. We use bubbles, scarves, parachutes and props to add to the fun. Come and make friends and spread the fun through the generations
Booking info & prices
- Term Ticket: £7.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £8.00
- Childminded child: £3.00
Siblings & Discounts
- Term Ticket: £0.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £0.00
Booking info & prices
- Term Ticket: £7.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £8.00
- Childminded child: £3.00
Siblings & Discounts
- Term Ticket: £0.00 (per class)
- Single Session: £0.00