


Fun, interactive music and storytelling class to aid your child’s development

  • Wednesdays 13:15–13:45
  • NEXT ON: 19 Mar 2025

The Sunflower Centre The Sunflower Centre, Strathmore Road, Teddington, Greater London, TW11 8UH

View directions
  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 2 years - 4 years
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £4.50
  • icon-location-small miles from


come and learn WHY we sing, laugh and sign with our children - yes, believe it or not IT IS A SCIENCE! 

The focus now moves to encouraging your child to practise skills for themselves rather than you, as a parent, modelling them.

We get the children to join in with short interactive stories, all drawn from myths, legends, folktales and traditional fairy tales from around the world. All our stories incorporate PREVENT training, such as mutual tolerance & respect, kindness, equality, and personal morality. Stories support your child's social and emotional development from a safe standpoint - they learn about how the world works, how to deal with difficult situations, what is expected of them morally & socially, and what to expect of other people. The interactive element allows your child to explore body language and facial expression, and encourages them to see situations from another person's viewpoint as well as their own. 

Young children are rarely able to settle down to any one activity for a full half hour. You will find that our sessions change focus every two minutes or so, so that the children use different faculties on a rotation basis, while the fixed structure of the classes encourages confidence through repetition.  

Join in with the Hello Song, meet Boo-Boo the puppet, jump and dance around to the interactive songs, play with the hands-on musical instruments (all cleaned before the class!), chase the bubbles and the twirly lights, finish by signing our Goodbye song.

Please book online via ACHIEVING FOR CHILDREN RICHMOND. (AFC Richmond).
Filming is not permitted in AFC Children’s Centres.
To access the centre go to Stanley nursery entrance and find the separate buzzer for the children’s centre.

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £4.50

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £4.50
Ellie Armstrong

Upcoming dates

MARCH 2025
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
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Bookable class dates