Come and learn WHY we sing, laugh and sign with our children - yes, believe it or not IT IS A SCIENCE!
Introduce your baby to the Hello song, meet Boo-Boo the puppet, and have fun with musical instruments, bubbles, twirly lights, and fully interactive songs. Children are dexterous before they are verbal, so we incorporate simple BSL for early communication alongside full explanations of the neuroscience as we go along.
We are the only class in the UK that teaches the neuroscience behind your child’s development alongside British Sign Language.
Learn how to support your child’s neurological, social and physical development in a fun and interactive music class.
This class is also followed by a free stay-and-play to meet other parents and babies.
Please book online via ACHIEVING FOR CHILDREN RICHMOND. (AFC Richmond).
Filming is not permitted in AFC Children’s Centres.
Booking info & prices
- Single Session: £4.50
Booking info & prices
- Single Session: £4.50