Demo Dancers London banner Toddler Group
Demo Dancers logo Toddler Group



Stage three for 2 + 3 year olds

  • Wednesdays 10:30–11:15
  • NEXT ON: 22 Jan 2025

Loughton Masonic Centre 16 High Beech Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 4BL

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 2 years - 3 years
  • icon-ticket Book with Happity
  • icon-cost £10.50
  • icon-location-small miles from


Time to Sing

Songs for dressing up and telling simple stories! ‘Pretending’ is an important new area of learning as exploration and self expression builds self confidence. Through positive music interaction with each other, our toddlers are also learning important lessons about boundaries and how to handle frustration!

Time to Move

Toddlers are keen to get to know each other – bigger more exciting props such as hoops and parachute are excellent for sharing and making friends! Holding hands with partners in Monkey’s circle dances often makes the grown-ups feel very happy too!

Time to Play

Composing music is something that comes naturally to our Jiggety-Jiggers! Their strong musical foundation gives them super musical confidence. Props, images, music, stories and poems inspire our little monkeys as they create and perform their own special music.

Time to Sleep

Most of our classes end with a little time for quiet reflection. Our Jiggety-Jiggers are gently reminded to practise new songs at home using some song words which may be printed from the Monkey Music Club. They may also be invited to bring something from home, to show in class the following week, as part of class topic discussions. 

Booking info & prices

Let them know how they book the classes and any other fees, forms or arrangements etc. that they need to know about.

  • Term ticket: £10.50 (per class)

Booking info & prices

Let them know how they book the classes and any other fees, forms or arrangements etc. that they need to know about.

  • Term ticket: £10.50 (per class)
Debbie Demo

Upcoming dates

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