Hartbeeps logo Arts & Crafts



Offers highly interactive classes for sitting babies

  • Wednesdays 10:30–11:15

Burton Hall (1st Hythe Scouts) Albert Lane, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BY

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 1 month - 8 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £8.00
  • icon-location-small miles from


Award winning Hartbeeps is a fun & interactive music class which transports children through a magical, make-believe journey. We offer highly interactive classes for sitting babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Expect music, drama, creative play, dance & movement all set to a fantastic soundtrack of remixed nursery rhymes, funky, original kids songs & lullabies.

Baby Bells is our lovely, gentle session, all set to a beautiful, bespoke, soundtrack and featuring elements of baby yoga, baby massage, calming techniques and signing to promote bonding and confidence.

Booking info & prices

  • Term Ticket: £8.00 (per class)
Siblings & Discounts
  • Term Ticket: £4.00 (per class)

Booking info & prices

  • Term Ticket: £8.00 (per class)
Siblings & Discounts
  • Term Ticket: £4.00 (per class)
Shannon Perez