Toddlers is a stay-and-play group for 0-4 year olds and their parents/carers. Anyone can come along (no need to sign up or book) and entry is free. We gratefully accept donations to cover the cost of refreshments and craft materials. We offer real coffee, tea, homemade cake and a range of snacks and drinks for little ones.
Toddlers is run by volunteers who are part of Hockliffe Street Baptist Church. It is set up like a pre-school or nursery setting, with different areas for messy play and craft, role play, ‘small world’ (trains, farm, dolls house etc) activities that focus on fine motor skills and others to develop gross motor skills. There is a huge range of toys and the set-up is different every week. There’s always a craft. For the last 20 minutes of the morning, we enjoy songs, play instruments and hear a Bible story.
This is a friendly group where our volunteers work hard to make sure everyone gets a warm welcome. We love chatting to new people and getting to know them. Whether you’re loving life with your toddler grandchildren, struggling alone with a newborn, or enjoying some special 1-to-1 time with your pre-schooler on your day off, we hope you’ll come and try Toddlers!
Booking info & prices
Prices not available
Please contact the class provider for further information.
Booking info & prices
Prices not available
Please contact the class provider for further information.