


KRMB Maternity antenatal & postnatal support

  • Wednesdays 18:00–21:00

St Mary's Episcopal Church St Marys Episcopal Church 4A Auchingramont Road, Hamilton, South Lansrkhire, ML3 6JT

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  • icon-calendar Fixed course dates
  • icon-people Antenatal/Parent Only
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £150.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Welcome to the KRMB Maternity Antenatal and Postnatal sessions!
Classes will be small and intimate with no more than four couples per class.
This booking covers 3x antenatal classes and 2x 1:1 postnatal check-ins.

Each block will have three antenatal classes for couples to attend which will cover the following:
Class one- Preparing for baby
We will discuss topics such as what to pack in hospital bag, feeding- breastfeeding/expressing/artificial feeding, sterilising equipment and baby safety. Each couple can practice handing a baby using dolls e.g. bathing baby, nappy changing, feeding positions and car seat safety.
Class two- The Birth
We will discuss induction, elective/emergency caesarean section, vaginal birth and instrumental birth, different types of pain relief that is available and the immediate care for baby.
Class three- Postpartum and baby
We will discuss the checks and tests performed on baby, pain relief after birth, wound care, postpartum mother, role of midwife and health visitor and concerns with baby. There will be an opportunity to practice with dolls again and discuss birth plans before the birth.
Postnatal Check-ins
Each block will have two 1:1 postnatal check-ins where we will arrange a meeting with you, your partner and baby to have a debrief of your birth. We can go over anything you want to discuss and I can explain why things have happened and how the system works in regards to your experience. I can offer support with any of the new-born challenges you are facing. I believe it is best to have one of these meetings within the first two weeks of the birth whilst things are fresh and then a further check-in between 4-6 weeks.
Meetings can take place at your home or we can arrange a location for same. Afternoon tea will be provided for the first visit to celebrate the birth of your baby.

Kayleigh is a qualified midwife carrying our our antenatal classes and postnatal check-ins.

Booking info & prices

  • Block of [enter a number]: £150.00

Booking info & prices

  • Block of [enter a number]: £150.00
Kayleigh McCann