Would you like to learn massage in your own home?
Are you not feeling ready for a class setting but would love to learn baby massage?
Would you like to have sessions that fit into your timetable or routine?
Would you like sessions that are bespoke to yours and your baby's needs or develop stage?
Book Evelyn to come to your home in these 1 to 1 sessions.
Massage can:
Enjoy time with your baby and connect and bond on a brand new level.
Soothe away colic and digestive issues and enhance their sleep.
The class isn't just for baby - enjoy the benefits of massage for yourself.
Prices are dependent on your location.
Prices start from £100 for all 4 sessions.
Just message Evelyn to book - 07917537013
Levana Baby Bloom
A certified instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage.
Booking info & prices
- Block of 5: £50.00
Booking info & prices
- Block of 5: £50.00