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Messy Play & Mark Making

  • Fridays 10:15–11:00

The Old School School Lane, West Kingsdown , Kent, TN15 6JN

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  • icon-calendar All year
  • icon-people 5 months - 5 years
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £54.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Messy play, painting, play dough, scribbling and more are used to encourage children to make marks and learn early writing skills through play.

At Little Learners your child will be encouraged to use their hands, fingers, feet and toes to make marks, this will help to strengthen their core muscles and develop their gross and fine motor skills. These skills are vital for holding and controlling a pencil and letter and number formation when they reach school age.

At Little Learners we encourage parents and carers to be involved in their child's learning as much as they can, and most of all have lots of fun. We provide a variety of fun, hands on activities for you and your child to explore together and learn how to make marks.

These classes are designed for children aged 5 months to 5 years. There is a 50% discount for additional siblings when booked together, so brilliant value if you have more than one pre-schooler!

So come join us in making mess, marks and memories!

Booking info & prices

  • Block of 6: £54.00

Booking info & prices

  • Block of 6: £54.00
Helen Bakie