In the Little Music Stars Class, the children learn how to move their bodies independently from their parents, learn shapes and objects from flashcards, experiment with phonic sounds and try out even beat rhythms with wooden claves.
We also use puppets, scarves, parachutes, instruments, bubbles, colourful pictures a myriad of props which will encourage confidence and listening skills. We will introduce the children to themed sessions learning about the world around them through carefully constructed music, encouraging creativity and imagination.
These include: The Jolly Jungle, The Weather Dial, Stars in Space, Rainbow Magic, Fun at the Farm & At the Beach.
N.B This class is only suitable for children who are very confident walkers.
Booking info & prices
Book via Happity or you can contact Andrea on 07939077455
- Single Session: £7.50
Siblings & Discounts
- Trial: £6.50
Booking info & prices
Book via Happity or you can contact Andrea on 07939077455
- Single Session: £7.50
Siblings & Discounts
- Trial: £6.50