Mini First Aid logo Arts & Crafts



2 hour baby and child first aid class

  • Saturdays 12:00–14:00

Christchurch Library 29 High Street, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1AW

(Class takes place in Room 14 with chairs toilet access and lift access )

View directions
  • icon-calendar Fixed course dates
  • icon-people Parents of 0-12 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £25.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Our Multi Award winning Baby & Child First Aid classes for parents, grandparents and carers are delivered in a relaxed and comfortable style and give you confidence to know what actions to take if faced with a medical emergency. The 2-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis Awareness and will give everyone who attends the peace of mind they deserve. Mini First Aid have partnered with the Meningitis Research Foundation to ensure that all who attend our classes receive the most up to date information on meningitis awareness. We have not only received awards for the quality of the classes but consistently those who attend review Mini First Aid as a 5 star first aid class.

We are delighted to be able to resume our face-to-face classes once again! The 2-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis Awareness and will give everyone who attends, the peace of mind they deserve. Mini First Aid is committed to keeping you as safe as possible and reducing the risk of infection during your class. We have assessed the risk of COVID-19 with this venue so you can rest assured that standards will be met in terms of hygiene and sanitisations. Pre-crawling babies are welcome and it’s a treat for me to meet them !

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £25.00
  • Single Session: £25.00

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £25.00
  • Single Session: £25.00
Kavita Butler